wStuff You Don't Wanna Know But Are Reading Anyway |
I dunno how you found this, but alas, here you are. So enjoy the frightening fruits of my troubled little brain.
wTuesday, April 24, 2007 |

feeling: awake... the 4 am kind listening to: some random song I don't know but I WANNNNNT
I'm ready to start translating episode 80 of D no Arashi. Wow, I really have no life. :p This is cool though, because even though the past several episodes (and the next several after this) are proving painfully difficult, they're also some of the most entertaining ones of the whole series. I'm equally excited and nervous about 81, because it's one of the two most hilarious things that have ever been shown on television EVER... the other being episode 85 >>... but they're also both going to be really, really, REALLY hard to make accessible to an English-speaking audience.
Wow, I really went off-topic there. I only intended to mention that I'm ready to start ep. 80 because I just finished ep. 79, and during one of the segments in that one they played a random bit of background music that is now stuck in my head and it was so adorable and I WANT IT WANT IT WANT IT but I have absolutely no idea what it was. *pout* Tempted to rip it from the video as an mp3 and post it on every corner of the internet I can poke my nose into and see if anyone on the planet recognizes it. Sounds like it could be from some anime or movie or something after all, so maybe... Gah, I want that song...
In other news, I awoke today to find that the Magnus (yes, "the") built a bubblenest overnight. I haven't seen a bubblenest around here in months and months. Magnus rocks. I should take new pictures of him... not so much of Strife because his fins are like, chronically shredded and have been for over half a year and he looks really ratty... but the Magnus looks more and more awesome all the time. He needs a photoshoot.
Darn it, now I'm actually sleepy. Guess I'll start episode 80 tomorrow.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 4/24/2007 04:02:00 AM
wWednesday, April 11, 2007 |

feeling: arms hurt listening to: Queen - The Seven Seas of Rhye e_e
So for some reason I'm posting here even though everything I've tried to do with my three Blogger-hosted blogs since they "improved" it has somehow gone wrong or given me idiocy. Ugh. So much hate for New Blogger. *temporarily buries*
I'm so going to end up with carpal tunnel syndrome by the time I'm 30. I picked up my D no Arashi translation habit again. I gave up a couple months ago because I started getting into episodes that just gave my poor non-native ears too many ouchies, and I was leaving more episodes unfinished than finished. But then, just a couple weeks ago, something inspired me and I decided to play again with some of the episodes I'd had to leave unfinished between eps 1 and 49. There were... maybe 10? but I managed to cut that number down to 4. In most or all of them the only thing keeping them unfinished is one lousy little word or small phrase I can't make sense of, and I would just gloss over them but they all seem either pivotal or amusing. -.-
Anyway... that led me to open up #49 again, which I had left not even 1/4 done and gave up on because there were just too many blank spaces and I was too stumped. But this time, I finished it. Every last line. Then I moved on and finished 50... then 51... and now, as of this afternoon, I'm up to 68 episodes complete. And still only 4 of those have any blanks left in them unfilled.
Proud? Sure. But I know it's not going to last much longer. Ep 67 was the first one where they introduced the format of the show, and they added several new features that make things ridiculously harder on me. The first one is celebrity guests. I've gotten used to the way these Arashi guys speak and have come to understand them pretty well after translating all these episodes, but then they bring in these guests I have no knowledge of at all, some of whom talk constantly and obnoxiously and a mile a minute and eww. Anyway... the second is that now, while they show the video clips that they went out and shot on-location prior to each episode, they keep a little inset in the corner of the screen so you can see the members and their guest back in the studio watching the video and reacting to it and stuff. Which means an exponential increase in people talking on top of each other, not to mention on top of background music and the narrator who talks too much and etc... *ache* And the third thing... at the end of each episode the members spend a few minutes just sort of standing around chatting about how that day's filming and on-location shots went, what they'll do in future episodes, random band-related happenings, etc. Some of the most amusing moments, but also some of the hardest for me to follow because they just rattle on and on... and of all the times for them to NOT include Japanese subtitles for me to read...
So yeah. It's been a nice run, but I'd say it won't last much longer. Already episode 69 is eating my brain from the inside out... and now I'm in a scene shot in a pachinko parlor, one of the most notoriously noisy locales in all Japan... whyyyyy did they have to make this show so irresistibly amusing?? Oh well, I guess after I'm forced to give up translating it'll give me an excuse to start making these into actual hardsubbed video files. I already have the software and a tutorial from a drama fansubbing group... I just haven't played with it yet.
Anyway, that takes care of one long droning rant that I'm sure no one cares about...
In other news, last night I finished watching the second series of the J-drama Hana Yori Dango. And good lord, that had to be the most sickeningly, toothache-inducingly HAPPY HAPPY OMGWTFYAY ending I've ever seen in my life. Mukatsuku. >> They did a good job with this series though, I think. A lot happened in it... but it was all handled well considering they only had 11 episodes to fit it in. Makes me want to finish reading the manga and watch the anime. And darn it, another thing this series (re)confirmed is that Matsumoto Jun is a really freaking GOOD actor. Few actors and even fewer musicians can express so much, and so fully complete an entire crucial scene, with just a look. Grr. Made me want to watch Gokusen again.
No, I'm not going to review HanaDan 2 any better than that right now. Haven't reviewed the first series yet, and I'm anal about doing things in order.
I'm also still mad at Subeta (the Demi revamp finally went through and my #1 pet will never be the same -.- among other things I won't list) but I continue to play with it every day. I don't really know why. Feel like I should defend my positions on the high score tables and maintain the plushie collection I've put so much time and points into, I guess. Sad, huh?
Guess that's all I've got for now. Don't be surprised if posts here are sparse for the next... well, forever. Yeah, yeah, I've said that a million times and keep coming back. But this time it's just because the new Blogger has ticked me off for (ideally) the last time. I've already started building a new dump for the song translations that used to go in my translations blog, so I'll be able to abandon it soon; and considering how rarely BLOOD comes to America, by the next time I have use for my BLOOD blog I'll hopefully have it moved to a new host as well. And this one... eh... I think I just can't let myself abandon it simply because I've been using it for over 4 years. I grew up here. >> But yeah... unless I magically get my old beloved template back or even more miraculously find one I like even better, don't expect much posting here from now on.
Shutting up now.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 4/11/2007 12:46:00 AM