
feeling: ... listening to: Ohtsuka Ai - Planetarium
The ABCs of me
A is for apathy. B is for blank spaces that don't fill in. C is for cold and lots of it. D is for dark. Mmm, dark. E is for elephant. Yay! F is for figuratively speaking, which I do a lot. G is for ganbare! because it's the first thing that came to mind. H is for hands, which tend to have so much potential. I is for ice that surrounds and ensnares so easily. J is for jackalope. It just is. K is for knots, like the ones that clog up my brain. L is for lazy. M is for murr... N is for nothing - my dominant element. O is for opinions, which I store up a lot of because letting them escape leads to pain. P is for purged of emotion. Q is for quiet, my other dominant element. R is for round and round and round and round... S is for subtle, silence, solid, snow, and solitude, all in equal distribution. T is for tangible, which pretty much nothing in life is, so you never know if it's really there. U is for under. Under anything. You name it, I'm beneath it. V is for vague. W is for the wings I wish I had. X is that little button in the top right corner that destroys things. Y is for \o/ ^o^ oC /o\ - get it? Z is for zippidydoodah.
comment! (2)
dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 8/23/2008 04:30:00 PM