
Okaaaay, might as well do this... it's a post-Christmas blog! Aren't you dying to know what my holiday was like??
...Yeah. Well, I'm posting it anyway.
Ok, here's everything I got (to the best of my memory), not in a list cause that'd take too much space: lots of art supplies/stuff; a little blue-and-pink stuffed elephant named Touga *cackle*; a Tweety nightshirt (I'm not even a Tweety person...); a sweet framed cross-stitch of white tiger eyes; Snoopy sweatshirt; denim shirt and vest; stapler and umbrella for school; Atari classics collection for Playstation; Final Fantasy Chronicles; an awesome tiger lamp, courtesy Serengeti catalog; little handblown glass tree ornaments of a tiger and a lion, also Serengeti; a Peanuts/Charles Schulz collection book thing; some Gunsmith Cats and Ah! My Goddess mangas; the Ah! My Goddess movie on DVD; 5-button optical mouse (oh yeah!); 6 Tenchi Muyo chibi figurines; Xena soundtrack vol. 6 (hey, Xena rocks ~_^ and it has some amazing music); 50 CD-R's; collectible Hallmark Snoopy tree ornaments; and possibly the most unusual, a Siamese fighting fish from my brother and sis-in-law. Oh, and a grand total of 200 bucks. *breakdances*
Guess I made out pretty darn well for someone who no longer believes in Santa, ne? :P I hope I didn't leave anything out... Anywho, I wil now explicate on some of those. Well, sort of. My favorites, my least favorites, etc. Kay, the art supplies came from two parties: a bunch of less formal/advanced stuff from my dear, sweet cousin, such as Schimmel folders (I carry my art around in standard folders... aren't I cool?), a CUUUUTE fuzzy tiger pen, color-changing gel pens, little notepads, etc. The rest, the more expensive stuff, came from my parents: 36 Prismacolor pencils (those things sell for over a buck a pencil, BEFORE taxes), special erasers and such, and a carrying case. Oh, and Touga also came from that cousin I mentioned. XD I think I've mentioned her in every blog here, haven't I...? Anywho, what else... uh, the framed cross-stitch was handmade by my grandma, and I loooove tigers, especially white'ns. I also love Snoopy, hence the Schulz book. I've wanted a 5-button optical mouse for months, but couldn't find one for less than $60... well, except once, but... I wasn't prepared, I guess. ^^; The Ah! My Goddess movie is very cool, and so are the mangas, even though they're a bit more family-oriented than I'd expected. The Atari collection is something I've wanted for years, and though some of the games I wanted aren't on this edition, I still am having fun with it. Warlords rocks, baby. FF Chronicles... uh huh, I'm a big Final Fantasy fan too, sort of. Haven't played FF4 yet (of Chronicles), but I'm a few hours into Chrono Trigger, and it's very cool so far. Uh, Mom gets me the collectible Hallmark Snoopy things every year, usually in twos, and this year was no exception. And, the fish. Ah yes, the fish. ^^ I've wanted a Siamese fighting fish for lots of years. My brother and his wife have I believe 3 of them, each in its own big vase with little gem-ish stones at the bottom and a live plant (except one that has no plant... it didn't like it), and they apparently notice how often I stand around admiring them when we visit there. Very attractive setup, seems to be designed so the stones and plant complement the fish's color. Anyhow, they fixed up one of those up for me... no live plant yet, cause they're out of season, but it's still pretty. The fish is small and ruby red with a tinge of bluish-purple in the right light, and the stones are a gorgeous blue. He's a great little fish. He doesn't get scared when you tap his vase, even when he's right there by your finger, and whenever someone walks by him, he swims over and watches them until they leave. Either he's got an attitude, or he's unusually affable. ^_^ I plan to take him back to school with me, since fish are the only animals allowed in the dorms.
Well, I think that's enough Christmas-ness. I shall move on to something else. Aren't you thrilled? Sooo... I had another one of those pesky flashes of bizarre inspiration a few hours ago. What would the male heroes of Final Fantasy 7-9 look like... as women? Scared? Told you it was bizarre. Don't ask where I get my ideas. Yeah, so I immediately went and drew Cloud Strife, hero of FF7, in the form of a woman. Partially. Can't settle on some of the outfit components. Differences? Not many yet. Hair's only slightly less wild, and is in a short, low braid... body is less beefy (to avoid butch-ness)... the trademark SOLDIER belt is redesigned and, I think, more feminine... the shirt, instead of tucking into the belt/pants, reveals the abs... and I can't decide how to do the pants. Parachute-y, as the original Cloud's, or skin-tight? Or neither? Anyway, the single huge shoulder-plate thing is there, but I don't want to draw the suspenders/leather padding straps that go with it. They don't work with her. Can't decide how much of Cloud's original armor to give her, either. Oh well. If I finish her, I'll move on and do a female Barret, Cid (FF7's), Squall, Zidane, and possibly Irvine, Laguna, and Zell. Probably not Steiner, cause whenever I try to imagine him as a woman, all I can think of is Beatrix. o_O She is just awesome.
Whew... long blog. I got into it there, didn't I? And I better get my butt off here and take a shower now. I stink. I'm sure you wanted to know that.
OH! Wait! Tonight's 'Whose Line is it Anyway' (my favorite non-anime show) gems! XD (tonight's were reruns, but still)
Colin singing: You seem real easy and willing to put out, so roll in the cream cheese, roll in the cream cheese...
Colin: Mozzarellalalalalala!
Ryan: What he didn't was... know was... or was know... was that I was dyslexic. Drew's response at end of game:That's each a thousand you points for!
Ryan: *plants one on Colin* (how cute is THAT?? XD)
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 12/27/2001 10:01:00 PM