
Okaaaay... I TRIED to change the template, but it doesn't seem to have done anything. Frick, I hate Blogger's idea of HTML coding. And the fact that it takes forever to publish new stuff. *kills* Anyway, main reason I decided to change my template now was because when I went to edit some HTML in it, there was absolutely nothing in the source code window. Nada. This concerned me. No code means no page, after all. Also, there's that pesky "font size=5" crap showing up in the title. Grrr. So I figured, hey, maybe if I give it a makeover it'll come back home and be a good little bloggie again.
Umm... not much to mention here... er, I got a hundred bucks from my rich great-uncle today. *smooches him* This guy's very very likely a millionaire, but he's old and living alone and doesn't have much use for it, so he gives it to me and my cousins every Christmas in the form of big bills. His sister's believed to be a millionaire too, but for the same reasons, she doesn't have much use for the money and gives it away... or tries to, at least. She offered to pay my brother's way through college, and my cousin's, and my own if I remember right, and maybe even more cousins I don't know about... but no one in my family can bring themselves to accept the offer. Sweet ol' folks, them two. We only visit them once or twice a year, even though they live right in town, and next door to each other even... shame on us... anyway, we saw 'em today for Christmas, naturally. They always have stories to tell and candy to munch. Gotta love 'em. Too bad they despise each other.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 12/23/2001 01:12:00 AM