
feeling: bluh
listening to: Shura, from the Utena movie, is stuck in my head
I've been reviewing my life recently. The mistakes I've made, the friends I've lost, the fun I've missed, the millions of times I've mad a total idiot of myself. And I came to the conclusion that I have some kind of social phobia. Yay me. No, seriously... some of the symptoms of social phobia include general fear of being in public (well, duh), the feeling that you're constantly being watched/stared at/talked about/laughed at, freezing up when put into a social-ish situation, feeling uncomfortable around everyone except a select few close friends... that kinda thing. I wouldn't say I have a fear, but I definitely hate being in public. My brain grinds to a screeching halt when I realize someone's talking to me and I'm expected to answer. I think there's only one person on earth who REALLY knows me... and it's neither of my parents. I love them, but communication's not in our... um, schedule. Or something. Anyway, and... I don't need to go into the being watched/laughed at/etc. thing. Just rest assured that it's there. So I have a phobia after all... hmm... *looks around* ...is there a cake or something now?
I have a linguistics test tomorrow. I'm reeeeally gonna regret not having studied all weekend, I have a feeling. And my no-heavy-studying-during-or-immediately-before-meals-except-for-finals-or-out-of-boredom rule ain't gonna help any either. Yarg.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 1/28/2002 05:30:00 PM