
feeling: okay
listening to: They Must Be Worried, from Daria! The Musical
Mitsu is on the mend!! ^___^ Well, he's not 100% yet, but he is looking better. Ok, I left him in his little "moving bowl" overnight to rest, checked him in the the morning (after much deliberation...what if I'd looked and found him dead? eep), and he was still the same... swimming sideways. Before I left for my first class, I posted at a forum at a website that specializes in Mitsu's kind, and waited for a reply, since I had no more ideas of my own. Spent all day worried sick while I waited and didn't get a response till hours later, after dinner. It said I might try warming his tank and/or adding a pinch of aquarium salt. But since he lives in a vase with no heater, and I don't have salt, I was still kinda at a loss there. Then I remembered that even when this room is bitterly cold at the floor (which is rare), it's quite warm nearer to the ceiling (where the loft beds are)... and the top of my closet is a nice little surface just a bit higher than my pillow. So I decide to set him up there for a while to see if the warmth helps, shaded by my jacket from the overhead light which hangs very near there (they don't like direct light). Just a few hours later, I checked on him again, and lo and behold, he was swimming normally! No more sidewaysness and flopping around trying so hard yet getting nowhere! This was such a relief to me, you wouldn't believe it. :D So I decided he was ready to move back into his regular home. And now he's flippering around in his nice big vase with nice fresh water, fairly warm under the set-back light of a 60-watt bulb, and swimming beautifully. I know he's not completely out of the woods yet though, because he won't flare his fins at a mirror, and he doesn't wave back at me when I wave at him (yes, he waves back...when he's healthy, anyway...it's quite nifty). He also looks a little grey around the gills. But I think he'll do much better now, so in the next couple days he should be making me bubble nests and waving at me and being his normal little nutty self again.
He's such a gorgeous little dude. Thank God he's doing a little better. If I have anything to say about it, he'll never scare me like that again.
Know what? I gotta draw a Mitsu Merman sometime. XD
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 1/22/2002 11:54:00 PM