
feeling: about as good as I've felt all week
listening to: Shania Twain - I Feel Like a Woman
It is SO much cooler today. ^^ *sits back and basks*
...say THAT sentence five times fast. XD Sits back and basks... sits bask and bask... sicks bask and back... sicks backs and bask... *gives up*
As you can see, I am in a pretty darned good mood. Because it's waaay cooler in here than it was yesterday. Hot makes me evil and easy to peeve. But actually, today was downright COLD, especially when it was raining. Had to be a good 20 degree difference from yesterday. I love it.
Ooh, I wonder if Whose Line is on right now like it's supposed to be... *checks* ...nope. What a surprise. Now what am I gonna do for the next 2 hours...
Oh, yesterday I started playing this fishing game that came with my computer XD Bass Masters Classic... it's actually really fun. Faster paced than other fishing games. Yes, I've played others. >u< Blue Marlin and Black Bass for the NES used to be my favorite rentals, heheh... and my uncle has one of those little handheld mini-rod fishing simulation things that's mega fun. Once I hit my head trying to pull back the thing to set the hook XD *genius* Used to love going fishing with my dad too, but then summers got too busy... and then I got too old to bum on his license. And to lazy to buy my own and actually use it. But, I'll always have this game I guess... and I kick butt at it XD as long as the water isn't muddy...
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 6/06/2002 08:15:00 PM