
feeling: clammy and bored
listening to: Utena Musical - Oujisama ga Ii
Things that cheesed me off today:
~I had to take a shower in the broiling heat and ridiculous humidity of the non-air-conditioned public dorm bathroom.
~Not only that, but I got stuck with the one shower out of 4 that has like, NO water pressure, so I was 15+ minutes late.
~At lunch, I waited forever in line for a lemonade, and finally I was second in line behind a girl getting Coke, but the Coke in one beverage machine runs out, so I let her get some from the second machine, but before I can get my lemonade from the machine she abandonded, THREE other people pushed their way in, apparently thinking I'd been standing there for 10 minutes just for the pure fun of it. The third of those tried to get Coke from the first machine too, discovered it was out, so I let her take the second machine in my place... but this time I actually pushed my way through to the first machine and got my lemonade.
~Guys who refuse to walk with any less than a foot of distance between them for fear of being thought of as *gasp* gay. This means they take up the whole freaking sidewalk and walk sloo-o-o-ow, because they're talking, so no one can pass them. Actually I hate when anyone does that, but guys are worst cause they don't leave room on either side for people who actually want to work up some forward momentum.
~Ridiculously so.
~We did stuff with bugs in biology lab, and one of the stupid beasts decided to fly away from us and land somewhere on me, but I couldn't see where. I just knew it was there. You can imagine me sitting there praying silently and desperately that the thing hadn't flown down my shirt. Fortunately, it was actually in my hair. Wait, that's not much more fortunate, is it?
~Still hot.
~Still humid too.
~Then it started storming.
~My roommate didn't go to class this evening like she usually does Mondays and Wednesdays, so I didn't get to watch my Utena.
~All day the fact that my Japanese oral final is tomorrow has been looming over my head.
~Dead tired.
~My muse has been in a coma for about 2 months.
~I still can't get the image of Gaki's evil smile out of my head. >_< *wants to wring her worthless neck*
~I'm out of Ben & Jerry's.
~I'm stuck here until next Thursday night. Not counting the weekend, but like that makes much difference.
~And finally, I am bored as crap.
Bored... ridiculously bored... impossibly bored... mind-numbingly bored... murderously bored... bunnies...
I lurve yoo Dumpling :D
*walks into some random vortex that appears out of nowhere, hoping to God that on the other side I'll find something to do*
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 6/05/2002 09:27:00 PM