
feeling: dandy
listening to: nothing... dad just reformatted his comp ;_;
No more doooooorrrrrm *runs around the house kissing all the air conditioner vents*
Amazing how my mood has perked up since I got out of that evil broiling cramped room :D I'm gonna miss my R.A. though... she graduated this quarter... she was so sweet ;o; But yes... immediately after leaving the dorm we went to Seafood Japan where I got lots of Pocky and other candy stuffs, then to Microcenter where I got a Wacom tablet *breakdances* and a router so I can have the internet in my room. Router's not set up yet, but the tablet is fun haha... it's hard though cause I'm not used to it yet XD woot for early birthday presents~ So yeah... then I came home to air conditioning which just made my day on the spot, of course. *bask*
Unfortunately though, since the router's not in yet, this computer (my dad's) is the only one online. And it sucks. And it's directly across the hall from where my parents are trying to sleep right now. Therefore, I must go.
But first... give this a shot XD~
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 6/15/2002 01:24:00 AM