
feeling: restless
listening to: Ahmet & Dweezil Zappa - Hit Me Baby One More Time
Here's your useless facts for the month of June, courtesy of my calendar with an elephant as the pic o' the month...
~It's illegal to hunt camels in Arizona.
~Eleanor Roosevelt ate 3 chocolate-covered garlic balls every day of her adult life because her doctor recommended that it would improve memory. (I think I'd rather forget... ewww)
~President John Adams regularly referred to George Washington as an "old muttonhead".
~It takes 8 seconds to make a baseball bat in a factory.
~There is a city called Rome on every continent in the world. (cool~ :D)
~In 1976, a L.A. secretary formally married her 50-pound pet rock. (if that isn't the stupidest thing I've heard yet...)
~It takes about 150 days for your fingernails to grow from your cuticles to your fingertips. (I still say it's less than that)
~Fortune cookies were actually invented in America in 1918 by Dr. Charles Jung. (at least the guy was of Asian descent...)
~All polar bears are left-handed. (I heard once that most non-human mammals are... hmm)
~Bats always turn left when exiting a cave. (o_O)
~Apples are more efficient than caffeine at keeping people awake in the morning. (dude!! *remembers that*)
~The most used letter in the English alphabet is E, and Q is the least used.
~Mexico City was the highest-altitude city to host the Summer Olympics. (elsewhere on the page: Mexico City sinks about 10 inches every year. They fit together well, ne?)
~A lump of pure gold the size of a matchbox can be flattened into a sheet the size of a tennis court.
~The Statue of Liberty's middle finger is 8 feet long, and has a fingernail measuring 13x10 inches.
There. Woowoo.
I am so bored... I hate when I feel like drawing but have no inspiration. >_< Actually I kinda do... but... well. I've been trying to think of uniform components for my Utena Duelist version of Bekki-chan, my favorite (and most me-resembling) alter-ego. She be the Golden Rose duelist. ^u^ Well, see, every duelist in Utena has a similarly cut uniform with varying details - the biggest difference is color, which is based on their rose color, which is based on their hair color. I'm the Golden Rose because Poop Brown Rose (a la my hair) didn't sound right, so I lightened Bekki's hair for her own sake. :P Ok, for my own personal uses (and for everyone else's boredom XD), I am now going to describe each duelist's uniform so I can figure out the differences... this will be long and impossible to understand, so unless you're reeeally into Utena, you'll probably want to skip it :P
Touga - Red Rose
Jacket: white, red piping, gold triangles on collar; long, skirted, slits on back and sides; 3 pockets - 2 red-lined on hips, 1 2-layered (red bottom, 3-sectioned gold top) on chest, left; flat, gold, rectangular (diagonal end corners) epaulets with 2 < lines pointing outward and a circle nearest the collar; 2 red citation cords - both tucked into jacket zipper, one attached to end of right epaulet (front corner), other goes under arm and attaches at other corner of end of epaulet; different patterned sleeves - one red-edged with a big triangle rising on the outside, other with red and gold cuff, red-edged, 2 red triangles rising on the outside, the highest one (to elbow) with a gold inside edge/lining. (grrrr@sleeves)
Pants: white, pleated
Shoes: plain and black
Sword: long, katana-ish, curved; small, plain black hilt
Saionji - Green Rose
Jacket: white, red piping, gold triangles on collar; long, skirted, slits on back and sides; 3 pockets, in standard locations, all plain red; flat, gold, rectangular epaulets with 3 < lines pointing inward (diagonal end corners); green citation cord, tucked into jacket zipper, end attaches to end of right epaulet; sleeves have equal cuffs, red-edged with 2 gold buttons on outside, but left sleeve has a big gold-edged green triangle rising on the outside (to elbow).
Pants: green, pleated
Shoes: like Touga's
Sword: like Touga's
Miki - Blue Rose
Jacket: white, red piping, gold triangles on collar; waist-length, short slit in back, angles up to a point on sides; single left breast pocket, 3 sections, red ends and gold middle; gold-edged red epaulets are cloth, pointed ends, creased down center, attach at front and back of shoulder with round gold buttons; blue citation cord, tucked into jacket zipper, end tucked into breast pocket, with gold-tipped end (conical, sphere at base) hanging out; sleeves have equal cuffs, red-edged with 2 gold buttons on outside, but right sleeve has a big gold-edged blue triangle rising on the outside (to elbow).
Pants: blue, pleated; belt?
Shoes: like Touga's and Saionji's
Sword: fencing sword - skinny blade; held behind silver demisphere on silver hilt with a long weird skinny pinhead-tipped thing sticking out on each side, and a silver handle/arc-thingguards knuckles
Juri - Orange Rose
Jacket: white, red piping, gold triangles on collar; waist-length, short slit in back, angles up to a point on sides; single pocket on left breast, 2-layered like Touga's but both parts red; round, thick epaulets have segment-y outer edges and a raised circle in the center, attached to a solid, flat gold rectangle thing that reaches to the collar; orange citation cord begins at right epaulet, end tucks into jacket zipper, with gold-tipped end (conical, sphere at base) hanging out; sleeves have equal cuffs, wider on outside, with 2 gold buttons on outside, only the actual edge is red (not at the wrist where it folds back), and left sleeve has a big gold-edged orange triangle rising on the outside (to elbow).
Pants: orange, pleated; brown belt?
Shoes: black with about an inch of heel
Sword: slightly curved? black hilt with gold round tip at bottom and gold side extensions that point upward and widen at ends, with nifty engraved patterns (like S laying on right side, and triangles in corners); little gold arcs attach where blade and hilt connect and other ends attach to blade edges
Nanami - Yellow Rose
Jacket: dark yellow, black piping, white triangles on collar; waist-length, short slit in back, angles up to a point on sides; single pocket on left breast, black with short, white ends; epaulets are shaped like Touga's but solid black (no engraving, except edges?), with purplish fringe around edge; dark blue (black?) citation cord begins at right epaulet, end tucks into jacket zipper, with gold-tipped (conical, sphere at base) hanging out; sleeves are equal - gold edge at wrist, big white-edged black triangles rising on the outside (to elbow), with 4 gold buttons on outside.
Pants: dark yellow biker shorts, opaque black tights
Shoes: white, yellow high-heel and pointed toe, black bow
Sword: very curved; gold hilt - one pointing-out side curls upward at tip, other side curls downward, and hilt tip curls to the side of the down-curling one; nifty wrap-around vine-ish stuff engraved on hilt; little black triangle where hilt and blade join. Also has a dagger - also curvy, pointing-out sides of hilt are short and straight, handle is twisty, end curls tightle in a snail-ish pattern with a hexagonal thingy in the center.
I think that's enough. :3 I know Utena's uniform layout pretty much down to the detail, Akio's is too complicated to even try, and... actually I should do the Black Rose ones too, but that would double the length of this already ridiculous blog, so... maybe I'll just roughly memorize those. But anywho, so you see the point. They all have a different color rose (Utena's is white, even though her hair is pink... I guess white is more princely?) which is equal to their hair color. Hence Bekki-chan, the Golden Rose. I'm so cool. *moonwalks*
Ok, I have homework to do. Kanji writing practice. Joooooyy.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 6/03/2002 10:29:00 PM