
feeling: ...
listening to: Nanase Aikawa - Troublemaker
Well, I finally got around to making a playlist of all 464 song files in my Anime, RPG, & Japanese folder (I have another folder for the "normal" stuff XD) in a playlist so I can listen to them randomly without actually going blindly through the whole folder. I'm so clever. 9u9
Blah... I've been so blank lately. Not empty in the sense of, like... totally emotionless and stuff... the kind of emotional empty you kinda feel sorry for... mine's different. *shrug* I'm just always tired lately, and I have zero inspiration/motivation... *sigh* It's been months and months since I had an art or writing inspiration worth acting on. And even when I do have something, I can never get it on paper (or screen, now that I have a tablet) right, if I even attempt to at all. And no matter how much sleep I get, I'm always tired. And stuff that a few months ago made me giggle like a child barely affects me at all anymore. Similarly, stuff that would make a normal being bawl barely makes me flinch. Like Grave of the Fireflies. ;_; Umm, anyway... you get the point. I have nothing in me lately, good, bad, or otherwise. I'm just bored and tired. I hate when this happens. Yeah, it's not the first time... happens at least once a year, seems like. Gotten me in trouble before too. Not trouble as in you're-either-dead-arrested-or-grounded trouble, but I've lost friends because of these stupid slumps. Really good friends. There are some people I was joined at the hip to between 5th and 12th grade who I can't even look at anymore. My average friend loss count seems to be something like 1 or 2 per year. And no, if you're reading this, you're probably not in that category... but you might know someone who is. :P Buuuut, anyway... slumps suck. They drain all areas of my life for months on end, and even if I do get a moment of inspiration/motivation, I can't get my butt off the bed to act on it. This oekaki is probably the closest thing to acting on an inspiration that I've had in months... but I don't think it counts, cause I wouldn't have done it if Silfy hadn't dragged me into the Paintchat and forced me to show her what my tablet could do. >_~ Besides that, she's a character I created months ago, and that's only about 1/3 of her full outfit. She's nobility in elf society, which means loooooootts of jewelry and elaborate stuff... but... I was just too lazy to do anything but the basics.
But anyway... blank am I. Nothing to do, nothing to say, nothing to think. I just want to spend my summer alternating between sleep, FF7, and the occasional anime. Shoot me.
Mmf... I'm off to listen to my new 464-track playlist and read some fanfic or something.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 6/25/2002 12:05:00 AM