feeling: bored and tired
listening to: Maaya Sakamoto - Hemisphere
A new song to be obsessed with. ^^ *plays Hemi over and over... again*
Ok, this is proof that my sleeping life sucks. Saturday night I got less than 4 hours of sleep, cause I was up by just after 7 a.m., right? So I was dead tired throughout Sunday and went to bed just after midnight, very early for me in summer. Then this morning I woke up for good around 9:30. Figure up the hours there. I should be rested, right? I wish. In reality I woke up STILL dead tired, AND with a headache. So around 11:30 I went back to sleep for an hour and woke up feeling better. See, no matter how early I go to bed, I can not wake up earlier than, like 11 a.m. without feeling miserable. I was in bed for approximately 9 hours last night and woke up miserable, which didn't end till after a nap that ended at 12:30... yet I regularly go to bed at 4 or later, wake up after 5-6 hours, and feel fine all day. I don't get it.
In other news, last night I saw possibly the funniest thing I've seen since the Utaban "crotch split" video: Gackt-sama competing against one of the Hey Hey Hey! hosts to determine who is the Billiard King. >u< Gackt won, of course... eheheh... with his custom telescopic cue stick that he carries around in something resembling a small, tubular guitar case... *snort* One of the funniest parts was when he was lining up a tough shot and it was all quiet and stuff, while he was concentrating like mad... then out of nowhere he straightened and flicked some hair out of his eyes X3 and when the crowd kept yelling "Gakuto, gambatte~" and he just drawled this totally apathetic little muttering "haaaai"... he's so funny on TV appearances... you can just hear him thinking 'pleeeease, get me out of here' XD
So on my last weekend before starting school, I have to go to a Cinci Reds game with my parents. Because it's like, the second to last game they'll ever play in that stadium, or whatever. Really, I like going to stuff like that... the stadium is fun to run around in, and there's nothing like ballpark hot dogs. ^u^ I dunno, I like eating out, even if it is in a stadium. Nice change from eating frozen burritos and ham sandwiches at home. Which I love too. See, I'm hopeless. :P
Oh, I think my nephew's awake now... I should go downstairs and make him happy since he likes me better than mom. She's jealous of me. >:3 He's about to start jabbering too... he's learning to make hard consonant sounds instead of just "aaaah" and "mmmmm". Yay~
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 9/09/2002 04:22:00 PM