feeling: warm and tired
listening to: mom's TV blaring downstairs so she can hear the news even though she's doing housework or down the hall doing jigsaw puzzles on her computer... ain't technology grand?
My archives seem to have eaten themselves again. Figures.
And here is my Friday Five for today.
1. Would you say that you're good at keeping in touch with people?
Nuh-uh. I hate making phonecalls, and I'm not too crazy about getting them either. Maybe because 98% of the ones I get are either telemarketers, college/armed forces recruiters, or wrong numbers. I don't write either... and I'm not great about responding to emails unless it's someone or something that I really want (or need) to get back to as soon as possible. Even with instant messengers, I extremely rarely message people unless they message me first.
2. Which communication method do you usually prefer/use: e-mail, telephone, snail mail, blog comments, or meeting in person? Why? Email and, yes, blog comments are good too. :3 Also instant messengers when possible... but mostly email for people I don't already know well. Making appointments, contacting teachers and such...
3. Do you have an instant messenger program? How many? Why/why not? How often do you use it?
I use AIM pretty much every day. ICQ too, but more rarely, and usually only during the school year because it's how me and my mom stay in touch every day without long distance charges. Used to have Yahoo, but I stopped using it, then had to reformat and never got it back.
4. Do most of your close friends live nearby or far away?
Dumplin' lives about 15 minutes away... my next nearest friend, whom I haven't talked to in ages for some reason I don't know, lives at the other end of the country.
5. Are you an "out of sight, out of mind" person, or do you believe that "absence makes the heart grow fonder"?
Depends on how long the absence is. I do believe the latter, but if that absence is prolonged to a really big extent, you start moving to "out of sight, out of mind" whether you want to or not. Seems that way to me, anyway.
So tomorrow begins my ever so fun weekend. We leave in the morning for the Reds game, because 1) we're stopping at a mall on the way and 2) traffic, and parking, is going to be ridiculous because the college football game right next door to where our Reds game is will be ending riiiight around the time our game starts. I gotta set a tape for Adult Swim too... anyway, and then Sunday I move back to the dorm. Which means I really should start packing today... but... we'll see. When did summers get so much shorter all of a sudden anyway?
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 9/20/2002 12:08:00 PM