
feeling: bored
listening to: Queen - Under Pressure is stuck in my head
My Taps-partner who played my echo saved me >:3 heh... for some reason he couldn't get it to play right with only the first valve (which, because trumpets are cool, is the only valve needed to play the version of Taps I've always played), sooo he asked me if I could play it with the first two valves instead... and I eagerly agreed because that means every note would be one pitch lower. No high F~ *dance* Of course, then he kinda startled me by echoing a part of the song I've never heard echoed before, then I spotted a spider trying to build a web between my playing arm and my trumpet... T_T Other than that though, I suppose we did all right. Could have been better. See previous blog if you have no idea what I'm talking about.
And on another note, last weekend's Hey Hey Hey! was possibly the funniest thing I've seen since Gackt became the Billiard King. >u< First, they were playing a larger scale version of this music quiz show game where they play a slightly jumbled version of a famous Japanese song, and a team has to ring in to guess the artist and title... there were 5 teams... one of the cohosts (Matsuhara; the other, Hamada, hosted the game), Ayumi Hamasaki (the first guest I've recognized on that show in weeks!), some group I didn't see the name of, some chick younger than me named Hiro, and a girl group called... Melon something, or... something. They reminded me of the Spice Girls, but less slutty. They even had nicknames for each member; Sexy and Natural, for example. Well, at one point Ayumi tried to ring in to guess a title but her buzzer didn't work so Melon beat her in, and she was all yelling and flailing and such... but then Melon answered wrong, so Ayu buzzed and got in this time, and got it right... heh, it was funny... "NAN DE?!! ATASHI JA NAI NO?!" *giggle*
Anyway... Hiro won... then they talked to her, then she performed, then they talked to the Melon-whatsit girls, and they performed... then they showed a clip of the hosts with Ayumi out... somewhere... looking at a bike. In that she said she'd never ridden a bike, so of course the rest of the episode was devoted to teaching her. It was too funny... she's such a wuss 9u9 First they tried to put her on the bike and just have her take off, but with one host pushing and one pulling... but after about a second of that she started screeching and whining "Kowai, kowai, atashi kowai!" (I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared!) *snort* So then they moved on and tried to teach her balance... in other words she'd sit on the bike but push it by walking instead of pedaling. That went fine, so then they moved on to a bike with training wheels... she got on, took off, and promptly veered so far to the left, she had to stop and start over. She finally got going straight, but while she was busy watching the hosts tell her to look forward (they were behind her), she just about crashed head on into a wall. >v< Then they tried teaching her... um, to use the brakes, I guess... by putting her in the bike seat and having her walk it down a slope. She got to the bottom no problem, but right when one of her 'teachers' complimented her on that (ah, jouzu desu nee), she made this really short, staccato little screechy noise (captioned as "A!") and... fell off the bike. >u< I about died.
Well, then they brought out this goofy looking dog-shaped three-seater bike thing where the person in back pedaled and steered and the two in front just rode. And as soon as she saw it, of course, Ayumi squealed "Aa, kore naritaaai!" (Aah, I wanna ride that!) So she popped herself into the front seat while Matsuhara got in back to pedal, and she pointed between them and ordered Hamada to sit where she was indicating. I swear, through this whole bit she was just like a little kid... once they got moving she kept yelling "Yaaaay! Faster, faster!" and whatnot... then when the driver steered them toward a water trap thingy she started screaming again... she has a hilarious scream X3 And for the last thingy they brought out this insane double bike where the riders sit side by side pedaling but only one of them steers... looked like a pain to balance. x_x Well, at first Matsuhara steered while Ayumi just sat and pedaled... but that lasted about 3 seconds before she started screaming and leaped off the bike. Poor Matsuhara. X3 Anyway, then as an example Hamada rode with Matsuhara, and they had Ayu push them up this upgrade, but I guess they were veering too far to one side for Hamada's comfort so he put his foot down to stop them, but his foot missed the ground since they were a good way up the slope the next level, so he kinda lost balance... luckily Matsuhara kept them upright, but Ayumi, who was pushing them, let go and took off running the second something seemed to go wrong 9v9 Then Matsuhara caught his foot on a pedal or something, so he started screaming "ITAAAI!! Itatatatai! Itatatatatai!" (OWW!! ow ow ow ow! etc.) and dove to the ground, rolling around and clutching his ankle and whining... it was funny XD I still haven't figured out what the heck hurt him though *shrug*
Anyway... I do have a point. :P Recently I've heard a lot of people saying how Ayumi Hamasaki has... changed in recent years, and not for the better. I'm not sure if they meant in terms of her music, or her personality, or both... but anyway, I've heard some say she's more like Britney Spears than Utada Hikaru is. And Utada's pretty much nicknamed Japan's answer to Britney. >< I've blogged my two cents on that before too... but anywho, my point... in this Hey!3 ep, Ayumi seemed nothing like that. She was fun, she was goofy, she talked and acted like a little kid, she wore casual sporty clothes for the quiz game and bike-learning sequences... and when she performed she wore a floor-length, very loose/poofy-skirted dress and just stood there singing, no dancing, no flaunting, nothing else. Just sang. Her bass player moved more than she did. Hah, it was great... the guy had a mohawk and was bopping and bouncing around like a heavy metal bassist... and the song she performed was a ballad. XD So... there's my opinion. Ayu-chan seemed pretty cute and modest and kiddie to me. So I guess I have yet to figure out why J-pop fans' opinions of her have deteriorated of late.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 10/06/2002 04:33:00 PM