feeling: hot and freaking sweaty
listening to: Whose Line's on
Today's Friday Five~
1. What size shoe do you wear?
Typically 8, but often 8 1/2 is good
2. How many pairs of shoes do you own?
My new Nikes, my old Reeboks, 2 or 3 or 4 pairs of dress shoes I never wear anymore, and a pair of chunky Bongo sandals I also never wear anymore.
3. What type of shoe do you prefer (boots, sneakers, pumps, etc.)?
Tennis shoes
4. Describe your favorite pair of shoes. Why are they your favorite?
My Nikes. Would be my Reeboks, but they squeak. And they're over 2 years old.
5. What's the most you've spent on one pair of shoes?
Back when I was in track and concerned with my appearance I had $70+ Nikes. They were awesome. Got good years of comfy running and walking out of those.
Crap, I'm supposed to play Taps tomorrow at some thingy they're having to sorta say goodbye to a former school they're about to tear down. Harrison. I went to grades 1-4 there, then they decided the building wasn't sound enough for elementary kids, so they kicked us out and put preschoolers in it instead. Makes sense, ne? It was funny though... while I was there as a kid, the cafeteria seemed so huge and stuff... but when I was a sophomore/junior in high school I went back there, and what used to be the cafeteria was... so... tiny. Smaller than a lot of the classrooms in my high school. *sigh* I really miss Harrison...
Anyway, point being... I'm supposed to play Taps to kinda send it off. While the man who served as my band director for I think 4 years will shadow me. In other words, I play the main part with all the high notes, and he plays the echo role, with less parts to play and no seriously high notes. Strange, eh? Now, I've played Taps lots of times before... funerals, Memorial Day things, Veteran's Day things, lots of things. The local Honor Guard even named me an honorary Honor Guard Bugler. Gave me a nifty beret. :3 But now... it's been about 10 months since last time I even touched my trumpet. Haven't practiced it, it hasn't been cleaned in years, hasn't been oiled or greased or tuned since last year... If I miss that high note I'm gonna be in trouble.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 10/04/2002 11:25:00 AM