
feeling: not bad... yet
listening to: Ayumi Hamasaki - M
Nifty little survey thing I found...
The Unreality Quiz
1) What is your favorite unreal land? (Middle Earth, Narnia, Raccoon City, etc.)
Ohtori Academy (the movie version) isn't really a land, so I guess it doesn't count... so um... Mirkwood? *shrug* Oh, or the Final Fantasy 7 world. It's cool.
2) What is your favorite unreal animal?
Chocobos, gryphs (not just gryphONS... all gryphs... hippogryphs, vulpegryphs, all gryphs), good ol' classic dragons, phoenixes... lots.
3) Would you be an unreal creature that must murder to sustain itself?
If killing is for sustenance, then it's not murder. Lions don't murder antelope - they live off them. Anyway... hmm. That's tough. See, if I was a non-humanoid creature, humans wouldn't matter to me, and ya gotta eat something :P... so I'd probably say sure. But if I was humanoid and actually had the mental capacity and whatnot of a human, like vampires and such, then I'd say no. I can't consciously kill people. It's a curse.
4) What unreal creature would you like to be most of all?
Catgirl. Winged catgirl. But if I were allowed to have a counterpart, I'd scratch the wings and just keep some sort of felinoid gryph around to fly me everywhere.
5) How would you dress if humanoid, and popular style were not a concern?
Well, I'd be a catgirl, and therefore I'd be skinny and adorable, so I'd wear skimpy cute stuff just because I could. Nothing exceedingly, like, modern-trendy, though... just stuff that reveals ze midriff and legs.
6) In your own ideal world, what color would the sky be?
You know what'd be pretty? A, like, perpetual sunset kinda scheme. Lavenders and fiery oranges and golds and the like, all day long. Night would be very, very, very deep blue. And swirly. But no black.
7) Would it be a peaceful land or a war-torn one?
There'd be peaceful peoples, and there'd be warring peoples. More peacefual than warring though. And they'd be very clearly separated and would be unable to go near each other due to some kind of impenetrable natural boundary. Mountains, ocean, caverns, something. Well, check that... they would be penetrable... just not by lots and lote of people at one time so armies can't invade the peaceful and whatnot. You know.
8) What would be the government of this land?
Monarchy. There is waaay too much fun stuff one can do in literature with a monarchy. >:3
9) How technologically advanced would you like it?
Who needs technology? My people have beasts that are stronger than oxen and faster than falcons and range in size from the mouse to the dragon at their disposal for transportation and companionship and trucking. Occasional magic doesn't hurt either.
10) What is your favorite unreal form of currency?
"I don't believe euros really exist :P" ~GlassShard *snortchuckle* That is a good answer. I prefer good ol' gold and silver coinage though, I think.
11) Would you rather deal with robots/androids or living beings?
Living beings. Robots can be made too close to invincible. No fun at all.
12) What form of undead creature would you like to be?
Hmm... a ghost, if I could touch and move stuff and only be seen by seers and the like. I could tap people on the back forever and they'd never know what hit 'em. x)
13) Would you take eternity as a ghost in the living world or would you go into the light?
I hear nice things about that light. I think I'll take that. Stuck on earth for eternity but forever invisible would get boring after a few decades.
14) What is your favorite unreal language?
I like lots of unreal languages. Unreal languages are fun. That said... I don't really know any. :P
15) What is your favorite unreal humanoid race?
Elves are always good... and any kind of demihuman.
16) Do you have a bias against creatures with pointy ears?
Dude, I WANT pointy ears.
17) Do you long for the future, or a return to the past?
Past. But the problem with that is I wouldnt' want to go back there if I'd already had a taste of the here and now. I'd miss computers too much. Still though, I have very little if any hope for the future, so I really don't want to be part of it.
18) What is your favorite period in our reality's history?
Geez, I dunno. The Renaissance is fun, when you leave out the rampant disease epidemics and such. Anything with lots of cool art and writing and minstrels with scribes instead of typewriters is cool with me.
19) What means of unreal transportation would you most prefer?
Flight. Either with my own wings or with some kind of big winged critter. Gryph or dragon, maybe. Or of course, for short distances, chocobos are nice.
20) Would you want to have wings? If so, what would they look like?
Bird-style. Or actually, more like angel-style, probably. Just... feathery, not leathery.
21) What would you arm yourself with?
Swords are cool. Crystal swords. Or magic swords made of, like, beams of holy magic.
22) What is your favorite magical spell?
Heheh, so many possibilities... I can't imagine how useful Silence and Confuse would be X3... but then, gotta have the healing/holy magic
23) Would you rather have only one hand, one eye, or one foot?
One foot. Eyes are the window to the soul, and hands can draw.
24) Would you be a creature of the air, the earth, or the sea?
I think earth, but I'd spend a lot of time flying around checking things out. Sea would be fun too though, dangit.
25) Would you enjoy being an immortal creature? Why/why not?
Yes, but only if aging wasn't involved. If I aged like a human, after a couple centuries I'd be a useless, desensitized husk, and that is not cool.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 10/08/2002 02:37:00 PM