
feeling: *shrug*
listening to: nothing
Ok. For at least a month now Blogger has been giving me crud. Every time I've wanted to send a new post I've had to go through a process similar to:
~Post and publish, and see "Error 503" failure message
~Go to Template page and "save settings" without changing anything
~Return to Posts page
~Edit the most recent post, and re-post/publish it
~View my blog, and see that the new post isn't there
~Repeat above process up to 2 times before new post shows up
Pain in the neck. Also, my archives have been screwed up pretty much from the start. Well, eventually it got to where my entire template devoured itself, which explains why my comments were gone for a while. Well, finally I had to totally reset my template, then go back to my comments-hosting site to get my codes, and paste them into the appropriate sections of my template code. It took several tries. Now, finally, everything is in order. Posts are posting, comments are showing, and for possibly the first time, ALL my archives are in view. I asked it over and over to archive them monthly instead of weekly so they'd take up less space over there, but I never could get it to comply. Oh well.
Point being, I'm back, and everything works, so I might be blogging a tad more regularly now. 'Might' being the operative word.
Sooo... my quest for Betta #2 began on Sunday with visits to the largest specialty fish store in Ohio followed by stops at two more general, though good-sized, pet stores. I was hoping to at least get the aquarium, but I couldn't find a simple 2-gallon with four simple, flat sides and no built-in filter. Filter's useless for a 2 gallon tank. So I thought, maybe there's some other stuff I can get. But then I remembered that I didn't really know what I was looking for, so I left empty-handed. But now, finally, I have all the information I need except one detail that's up to my parents and that they'd better get done sometime this week... so I'm ready now. :P
Anyway, also in my search I checked out the bettas at each store. The fish store had roundtails and the normal veiltails you think of when you think of Siamese fighting fish... none really jumped out at me though. Except one roundtail that wiggledanced at us when we looked at him. But I don't really want a roundtail, and he was probably at or around a year old already, and they only have 2-year lifespans. So, then Petmart only had 4 bettas, all of which looked quite depressed. I think one was Cambodian (a pretty color combo of flesh-colored body and bright red fins), but it was just lying on the bottom, and darted once when I got close, then just sat there again. Poor guy. And, finally, Petco had a decent selection, but they were the least well-kept - they were in these sickening little tiny cups, many had brown, green, blue, or cloudy water, and two were dead. But they had two multicolored ones that were absolutely gorgeous. The bigger one, especially, had a little of EVERY color I've ever seen in a betta, I think - blacks, whites, golds, reds, shiny light blues, dark blues, purples... *drool* I really wanted to snatch him up, but he was already full-grown... and of course, I didn't have a tank yet.
So I left, again, empty-handed. Hopefully within 2 more weeks I will at last have my new betta. And in case you're wondering what the fook I'm talking about concerning colors and tail types and such, check out this site and the sale catalog at this site to see just how many gorgeous betta types there are out there.
Yeah, I'm done rambling about bettas now. New ramble subject.
So my intensive 10-credit-hour Japanese course is going pretty well. Lots of daily practicing required, but I have an A so far, and it looks like I should be able to keep it that way. The teachers are pretty cool, but none of them are the ones I had last year, sadly. I miss Kasihwagi-sensei and Angles-sensei and Kumakura-sensei and *sigh* Anyway... but the main teacher this quarter is always picking on me because - get this - my spoken Japanese lacks emotion. 9_9 I haven't informed her yet that I speak with just as much bloody emotion in Japanese as I do in English. Doesn't help that just about everything we say aloud in that class comes directly from a text that we have memorized word fr word. I'm not an actor, for Bob's sake.
But still... when I was thinking about all that, something else occurred to me: given the fact that my normal speech is very low and quite monotone most of the time, plus the fact that my brain just freezes and takes a flying leap onto the floor anytime I'm expected to say something, which usually results in me saying little or nothing in response to other people... I probably come across as very cold to people who don't know me. I don't mean to, I swear. -_-;; My friends wouldn't notice it, because I'm totally different around them... brain still takes a flying leap to the floor, but it seems I can function without it in the presence of friends. :P
Well, anyway. Pointless ramble.
I have to schedule next quarter's classes at the end of next week. Which means I have to meet by appointment with at least one advisor between now and then. This is a problem because meeting with an honors advisor won't be a problem... but meeting with an advisor in my department will be, because there are dozens of them, all with different areas of specialization, and I don't know which one I'm supposed to talk to about scheduling. Arg... I hate having a major... ><
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 10/15/2002 01:48:00 PM