
feeling: bored
listening to: Utena - Kakuu Kakokei Majinai (Utopian Past Tense Incantation)
Survey. Nothing better to do.
1. Beatles or Elvis?:
Beatles. Beatles Beatles BEATLES. \>
2. What is your secret spy name?:
I don't remember. I'm not even sure if I've seen that clever online name generator yet.
3. When you were a kid you wanted to grow up to be:
A teacher. Then an artist. Then an author. Then a radio DJ. Now, I have no freaking clue. Which wouldn't be so bad if I planned to marry, cause then hubby could bring in the cash. But since that's not gonna happen... I guess I'm screwed, no?
4. Ever had an odd pet (anything other than dog, cat, fish, bird)?:
No. I want a ferret.
5. Boxers or Briefs (interpret this as you will)?:
6. List the strangest town name(s) you've ever seen:
I always thought any town with the word Christmas in its name was asking for it. And there's a ton of them, in case you wondered.
7. Ever taken the purity test?:
Uh huh, a few of them.
8. Is your hair color currently your natural color?:
Yeah. Poop brown.
9. Your current celebrity crushes:
None. There's no point in celebrity crushes. If you are hopeless and desperate enough to have one, chances are you'll never even see the person face to face. That said, I haven't had a celebrity crush since I was like, 14 or so. Devon Sawa. :P
10. Do you own any Tupperware?:
Me, myself, personally... no.
11. Ever re-gifted an item?:
Probably, but not to the same person who gave it to me. That's just heartless. :P
12. Your favorite Stooge:
Oh, I dunno. Larry.
13. Daffy Duck or Donald Duck?:
14. Favorite game to play (not sport, just game)
Don't ask me that, cause it'd take me about 4 years and the wearing down of 2 or 3 keyboards to come up with a complete answer.
15. You do a GREAT impression of:
A log. Oh, and a zebra.
16. Most recent celebrity spotting:
I've never spotted a celebrity. I've been to, like, 2 concerts, and that's it.
17. Strange skill you have that not many people know about:
I can brush my teeth so fast it looks like I'm running in fast-forward. :3
18. The body part you like best on yourself is:
My... eyes? Futch, I don't know.
19. A bad habit you have is:
Nail biting, gluttony, extreme sloth, and introversion.
20. The last concert you went to:
Don't ask. You don't wanna know, and I don't wanna tell. :p (no, it's not THAT bad, but you still don't wanna know)
21. Kinkiest location you've ever done It:
Done what? Lunch? Shodou? Photography?
22. What is your drag name (name of first pet with mother's maiden name)?:
FYI, that's how you form your porn star name, not your drag name. Though I guess it would work for either, ne? :3 Yeah... it's Sissy Schrader. Cutesy woo woo.
23. Your favorite fast-food burger is:
I don't care for burgers. Fast food chicken sandwiches I like, but not so much burgers. Big Macs are ok though.
24. Worst job you've ever had:
Worst what?
25. In the movie of your life, whom do you want to play you?:
...well, first off, I sincerely hope there will never be a movie of my life. As for my answer, I don't know and don't really feel like thinking about it.
26. Your dream car:
One that runs. Actually, I'm quite fond of my current '91Thunderbird. If he ever dies I'll probably just get another one of the same color, only made in '96.
27. Your favorite comic strip is:
Peanuts, Garfield, Calvin & Hobbes (RIP), and The Far Side.
28. Do you still have your appendix?:
Yes, I do. In my body, even.
29. Toilet paper: rolled under or over?:
Over. Don't ask why, I dunno.
30. Your favorite donut:
Eclair eclair eclair eclair eclair eclair eclair eclair. *droolfest*
31. Favorite basketball team (if you have one; pro or college; men or women):
No thanks.
32. Favorite Simpsons quote:
Too many to think of and type here right now.
33. Do you collect anything interesting?:
Not really.
34. What are your hobbies?:
Drawing, writing, anime, Playstation, kanji practice, eating, sleeping, and (growing interest) bettas.
35. Your favorite form of chocolate:
Chocolate is chocolate. If it's chocolate and doesn't contain coconut I'll eat it.
36. Your guilty pleasure:
I still enjoy the occasional Pokemon fix. 9_9 I even wish I had Pokemon Crystal, but that'll never happen. Oh well.
37. Your favorite piece of sushi:
The only bite of sushi I've ever had I don't know the name of, and I didn't like it much anyway, so no answer here.
38. Your favorite way to blow $20:
A Media Play run. $20 miiiight get me one of the many DVDs I've been wanting for months. If not, I'd just buy another little trinket of some sort to throw on one of the many trinket piles in my room. Stuffed critter, maybe.
39. Ever slapped someone who was not a blood relative?
Yeah, a couple people. Just on the arm though, as I recall.
40. Your favorite Girl Scout cookie:
Thin mints.
41. Your personal theme song:
Used to be Pinch Me by BNL, but now... I really can't think of one. There's an Ayumi Hamasaki song that describes me somewhat well, but I can't remember which one it is now.
42. Do you have any jewelry in your birthstone (and what is the stone?)?:
I've been told by different sources that my birthstone is pearl, opal, and/or a couple other things I can't remember. I probably have some jewelry in one or two of them, but I never wear any of it.
43. Your favorite sandwich (or sammich, if you prefer):
I'm quite content with simple deli ham on white or wheat with Hellman's mayo. Or even just good ol' grilled cheese.
44. The farthest place you've ever traveled to:
South Dakota, I think. And I was, like, 3 at the time. ><
45. What would you do with a million dollars?:
Pay off my college, buy a not-too-huge house and pets... and that would probably just about take the whole million. If not, I'd throw the rest in the bank and build some interest.
46. What is one of your life goals (have you achieved it yet?)?:
I never really had any, except to own a horse and a Great Dane. Haven't achieved them, and probably never will.
47. Have you ever seen the movie "Free to Be You and Me" in elementary school?:
I don't believe I have.
48. Your favorite Muppet (from any Henson production):
The Swedish Chef rocks your socks. X)
49. In 10 more years, you want to accomplish:
A bachelor's in the humanities, a job by which I can house and feed myself, and a trip to Japan.
50. Your favorite foreign-language film:
That's a tossup between Utena: Adolescence Apocalpse and Mononoke Hime. Difference is I've only seen the latter dubbed in English, so I don't know if that counts.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 11/18/2002 12:57:00 PM