
feeling: tired
listening to: Utena - Watashi Kuusou Seimeitai (I Am an Imaginary Living Body)
Well, the two people I normally steal the Friday Five from every week didn't do it this past week, and I'm too lazy to go all the way to the homepage to get it for myself. Hence no Friday Five from me. Everybody make little disappointed noises now.
I actually felt somewhat needed on Saturday... *snort* ...no, cause see, my original plan for the weekend was to stay on campus, since this week's only 3 days and all. But as it turned out, my parents planned to visit my grandpa for his birthday (the one they almost thought had cancer), and I wanted to go, cause I never get to see him. Also, they'd been talking about taking my nephew along with them, which made me want to go even more. So I went home, and joined my parents and nephew to visit good ol' Grandpa and Jan. Now, see, their home is... well, not exactly ideal for those who have just learned to walk. There are two side by side stairways leading from the ground floor, one going up to a hallway with some rooms branching off, and one going down to a living room area. Well, Nephy being the adventurous little 11 month old squirt that he is, was absolutely fascinated with the stairway that led down. I lost count of how many times he tried to lead himself down there, before I stopped him. Yes, me. Only me, for the most part. In fact, of all the probably dozens of times he made for that stairway, I only remember 3 occasions where I wasn't the only one around to grab him. The first two, the other person took off running to grab him at the same time as me and managed to get him just before I could, and the third time I couldn't jump off the couch in time and no one else was looking so I had to yell for someone else to grab him. Every other time, though, it was all me. I couldn't believe my parents, especially my obsessed-with-the-happiness-and-well-being-of-her-grandson-and-constantly-watching-him-like-a-hawk mother, let him out of their sight so many times. See, if I had stayed on campus, he more than likely would've gone rolling head over heels down those stairs at least once (a dozen times, if the first time didn't deter him) and really hurting himself.
Go me. :>
To change the subject, have I mentioned that my dad is an extremely cool person? Yeah, I have. But I am again, so there. My dad rocks. The word 'worry' does not exist in this man's vocabulary. Even though he's struggling to pay off a house, two kids' worth of college, and loads of other debts, he is convinced that he is one of the luckiest people in the world, and that he has everything he wants and needs. He is extremely smart in the stuff that really matters in life (which doesn't include the spelling of 'medieval' :P ), he has the most rational and logical mind I've ever known, and I have never seen him in a situation where he didn't know what needed to be done. He gets out, he experiences the real world, he knows what's going on - but not so much so that he tried to strike up conversation with me about the latest oh so hott *choke* boyband to hit radio stations all over the world. He always shows an interest in things I like; heck, he's even asked me several times stuff about the Japanese language, and thanks to me he watches Hey Hey Hey! - a non-subtitled Japanese music/variety show - even though he doesn't care for any modern music and has no clue what they're saying. He even likes it, sometimes. He's supportive, he'll work his fingers and other limbs to the bone and beyond to feed his family and utter no complaint, and he's amazing with kids - he can settle down the most insanely hyper and misbehaving of toddlers and make them sit quietly for an hour or more and STILL have them love him enough to want to come home with him after church (yes, this has happened :P). And sometimes he can even talk sense into my extremely pessimistic, stubborn, constantly fretting mother - somehow. There's more, of course. I couldn't type it all if I wanted to. He just rocks. I didn't realize till I left for college just how much my dad rocks.
So why is it that a guy as cool as my dad can have some kind of huge lymph gland enlargement that could be anything from nothing to life-threatening? And why are they making me wait ANOTHER 3-4 weeks plus before I'll know which end of that spectrum it falls in? -_-
*becomes a praying woman again*
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 11/25/2002 12:16:00 AM