
feeling: bored and thirsty
listening to: Ayumi Hamasaki - Hanabi
I miss yew Dumpliiiiin T___T *camps out at the computer for next 36 hours with AIM turned on until she gets home and gets her butt online*
...I was kidding about the AIM thing :S;;
*knows she'll read this*
Oh, and Phoenix is better :D He was sick for a whole month and after a week of treatment with Ich medicine he's back to his ol' self and building me bubblenests again ^u^ He's so cute~ *squee* And I also got a couple other cute pics of him being closely observed by a certain other member of my family. :3 Ah, fun with crappy little webcams.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 12/22/2002 04:42:00 PM