
feeling: headachy
listening to: Utena - Rekishi Bourou (Moji Sabaku)
And he's mine! ALL MINE!! *SWOON*
Ok, allow me to clarify last night's blogged sentiments.
Yesterday evening the ever demonic Gaki and her ever youthful (as in never aged past age 12 or so) father invaded our home. Even better, they came bearing Stuart Little 2 and Lilo & Stitch. And I learned that the company you watch a movie with really, REALLY does affect how you feel about it.
So first came Stuart Little 2. And of course every time something happened that was supposed to be funny or important or cute, Gaki would make some dumb remark about it, or re-quote it or something, quite well ruining the experience. Not to mention halfway through, she decided she wanted some chips. So Mom gave her our last can of Pringles, and for the next I don't know how long, I couldn't hear the movie over her chomping and snarfing and devouring handful after handful of Pringles. Did I mention no one ever taught her to chew with her mouth closed? I never realized how gross that was when I was younger... anyway, this didn't end until she put the can down, at which point her father asked "Did you eat that whole can?" To which she vehemently replied "No!" and shook the can, proving the existence of about two crumbs she'd left to rattle around in the bottom. And her dad accepted that answer. Sad.
I should also mention that Gaki's father repeatedly told her to stop chattering incessantly throughout the movie like she was an expert on it, while doing the exact same thing himself. Only his comments were even more obnoxious. At one point, toward the end of the movie when Stuart's putting together the model airplane out of garbage and uses an old comb for a tail fin, Gakidaddy of course had to share with us his aerodynamic intelligence by launching into a big ol' shpiel about how a plane with a comb for a tail fin would never fly. And he concluded his lecture with "But, I guess most people don't know that. Ehehehehehhh." I was within a nanosecond of getting up and slapping him across the face when my dad gently reminded him that this was just a kid's movie, and of course it would never work in reality. When was the last time he saw a talking mouse, after all? Oh, and at some other point in the movie, the kid's dad told him he wasn't in trouble - he was in BIG trouble. Gakidaddy found this greatly amusing. I quote: "Heheheh! Busted! Hehehehehhh." I wanted SO MUCH to reply with "Yeah, that's called discipline. Some parents do that to their kids when they screw up." It was very hard to hold my tongue.
Oh, it gets better. After that ended Gaki popped in Lilo & Stitch, and for the first 10 minutes all she did was warn me not to be eating (I was eating ice cream) during the beginning. "Becky, you might wanna stop eating on this part." "Becky, you might wanna not look now." Over and OVER. See, she seemed to think the first 10 minutes, which involved a substantial amount of drool and snot and spitting and the taking of a blood sample from an alien, were absolutely disgusting. And she warned me not to eat during all this. Lord, I really hope no one ever lets this child see Akira or Bio Hunter.
Anyway, from that point on, all she did was make obnoxious comments about what was happening and what was about to happen. Complete with requoting every single line she found amusing. And her dad, ever the master of stating the obvious, threw in the occasional "He bit 'im on the finger! Hehehehhh." and "All the dogs are hiding in the rafters! Hehehehhhh." Gaki added further insult to injury by singing and humming along with every single piece of music played in the movie. Even when no music was playing. This greatly ruined the part where the big sister sang 'Aloha Oye', which should've been one of the sweetest, most touching moments. And as if I didn't want to throw Gaki into the next century already, for the rest of the movie she felt the need to throw in her stupid obnoxious remarks and comments EVERY FREAKING FIVE SECONDS. I do not exaggerate. I couldn't hear the last half of the movie because of her constant drumming/singing/humming/blabbing/spoiling/remarking/obnoxiousness every freaking five seconds.
I could have thoroughly enjoyed that movie if I'd been watching it alone or with people above the age of seven, into which age group Gaki and her father do not fit. But nothing that movie had could overpower their obnoxiousness enough to make me smile even once. Nothing on earth could overpower that, period. Really ruins a good movie, especially one's first viewing thereof, after one has been looking forward to seeing it for months. It's kinda like when you've been waiting for ages to see a movie in a theater, and as you're standing in line to buy tickets, some jerk in front of you keeps saying "Oh, I've seen this movie a dozen times now, it's great, you'll love it when *insert huge spoiler here* and when *insert even bigger spoiler here* and especially when *insert spoiler that gives away the whole plot here* and etc etc". Kinda makes you want to rip out the guy's tonsils and feed them to your fish.
WHY did I have to be related to these people???
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 12/15/2002 01:40:00 PM