
feeling: like slumping into a corner and staring at the opposite wall for a few days
listening to: nothing
I'm having one of those days. Namely one of those days where I actually TRY to get myself depressed. I read some of my more depressing blog posts, I read through old arguments and slugfests I was involved in at forums (that works really well, cause I never won a single one), I review in my mind the growing list of enemies I've unwittingly made in said slugfests who have a permanently set opinion of me as an inferior and non-worthwhile being just because I don't think like they do... and instead of going and doing something fun to cheer myself up, like maybe writing those people's names on little strips of paper and burning them and stomping all over the ashes, I just sit there quietly in a chair or on my bed and just... well, sit there... for as long as I can stand it. Or until I have to go do something. Basically this is my own little version of reacting to acute depression by getting dead drunk. But the advantage is that within 10-16 hours, instead of being stuck in bed with a hangover the size of Siberia (on Christmas day, no less), I'll have forgotten all about it again and will feel better.
See? My methods work. Trust me, I've tested them enough times to know.
In other news, Sunday night I watched the final episode of Nurse no Oshigoto 4 - "Leave it to Nurses 4" in English. This was Wedding Planner's successor, i.e. the comedy/drama/dramedy that premeired immediately after Wedding Planner, which I loved, ended. I didn't really get into Nurse no Oshigoto 4. Just watched a few eps toward the end. And at first I didn't think that'd be enough to make me regret missing the beginning, since the storyline didn't impress me that much... but guess what? I was wrong. :P It wasn't a bad show, really. I just wish I could have seen Nurse no Oshigoto 1-3 so I'd have been able to be more into part 4. The main character was goofy but cute, and she was played by Mizuki Arisa, the J-pop singer who also performed the show's end theme, Love Potion. I LOVE that song. But I swear it does not exist on any website or P2P server anywhere. I can't even find the lyrics. >_<
Well, looks like it's about time to go visit family for Christmas Eve. Let the good times roll.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 12/24/2002 04:21:00 PM