
feeling: really, really bored
listening to: Utena Movie - Fiancee ni Naritai
I have officially gone off the deep end. I just had an undeniable urge to draw some shoujo ai. T___T *looks for a sharp object with which to commit seppuku*
Not that I will, of course. I'm too lazy. But... the URGE was THERE. *whimper*
Still no Friday Five this week... wonder what they've been up to that's so involving they couldn't come up with 5 simple questions once a week... well, anyway. I'm really, really bored. I've played FF9, watched TV, watched the Utena movie, watched my fish, played a couple different games online, went to a few different message boards online, and I'm bored. My fish is sick, by the way. We're entering the third week now. I don't know what his problem is... all he does is sit around on the bottom between the plant and his hidey-hole, he's clamping his fins shut so tight they look glued together, and he keeps flashing. Which basically means he's itchy or feeling some other kind of skin/scale discomfort. So I've been medicating with an external parasite killer for a week now and absolutely no change. If he doesn't come out of this soon I'm gonna *insert clever threat of self-harm-infliction here*
Oh, forget it. I give up. I'm gonna go draw now. Smack me please. =_=
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 12/06/2002 10:07:00 PM