
feeling: hot and tired
listening to: Futurama
I know I had something I wanted to blog about. But for the life of me I can't remember what it is. *kicks brain*
It seems that at our little family Easter shendig the other day I somehow gave my other half the impression that I was annoyed with her... maybe cause I kinda left the room and stepped outside on several occasions while she played some Threads of Fate after I said I'd join in... :\ Gomen gomen, aibou! I just got up a couple times when I heard my nephy doing/squeeing/jabbering something funny that I was curious to see... and when I stepped outside to see what it was I somehow got tangled up in keeping an eye on him while everyone else talked about other stuff... that seems to happen often x_x Heh, like once when me and my parents took him to my other grandparents' place and I was the one who had to make a flying leap to catch him every time he went waddling toward the stairway that went downstairs... no one else even bothered to stay in the same room when I was around... if not for me he'd have fallen down those stairs and busted his head about 15 times over ><;; *end tangent* Sorry anyhow! Don't worry... you don't annoy me XD~
Mom intends to get me the Spirited Away DVD as a late Easter gift. Wee! I dance~
It's weird. Lately every weekend I rediscover a different old favorite movie/actor. Last weekend I saw Rush Hour and remembered just how cool Jackie Chan is and how hysterical his bloopers are... the weekend before that I saw Rush Hour 2, which I'd never seen before and which had even funnier bloopers... and yesterday I watched Wedding Singer. One of my favorite movies. The ending is just so sickeningly freaking sweet. :P And I like Drew Barrymore in it. Speaking of her, I saw part of Never Been Kissed yesterday also, which I'd never seen. Now I wanna see it. I like the late-90s Drew Barrymore. Shut up.
I'll keep going like this until I remember what it was I originally meant to blog :P
I'm also gonna bop Dumplin' on the nose if she continues to say I'll make a good mother someday XP *wields boppin' finger*
Oh, yesterday I watched a dog show on Animal Planet. They have one every couple months or so, and I only watch them in hopes of seeing a Great Dane, the breed I will fantasize about owning until the day I die, actually place in its group. I've watched gobs of dog shows in my life and never even seen a Great Dane make the final cut in the Working Group... the judge always just walks by the Danes without a second glance and goes right to the Doberman. Dobermans place EVERY time. ¬.¬ Sooo, yesterday I'm watching the Working Group, and lo and behold... the Great Dane came in fourth place in the group! I was surprised enough to see it make the final cut (top 8-12 or so), let alone actually place in the top four. I dunno what it is about Danes that judges don't like, but it seems the curse was temporarily lifted. I was happy. ^_^ I want a Dane so bad... they're so cute~
Ok, I give up. I'll never remember what I was gonna blog. *sigh* Away I go again.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 4/20/2003 11:21:00 PM