
feeling: rotten
listening to: nothing
I am crying right now. And I don't even know why. I, like, NEVER cry, let alone without reason.
This has been the lousiest week I've been forced through in ages. First it was that stupid stomach bug, reaffirming my stomach-sickness-phobia, then I didn't get to just kick back and rest and recover for a day or two like I needed to, cause I had to put up with the first week of what will prove to be the most evil quarter I've been through yet. A week goes by and I still have no appetite or energy, yet I have so much junk to do, it's not funny. Went home for the weekend and got to enjoy a couple days of vegetating in the reclining armchair and being with my parents (the whole 'mommy as a comfort object' concept doesn't just apply to toddlers anymore!), then I had to come back to the dorm, back to spending 97% of all my free time either studying or cleaning the fish tanks (takes 2 or 3 hours a week). Speaking of which, to add insult to injury, my fish is sick AGAIN.
Today mom reminded me that I've now completed 2 1/2 years of college as of the end of spring break last weekend. She also reminded me that my brother quit college at the same 2 1/2 year marker I just passed. I think I'm starting to understand why.
I wish I weren't such a wuss. Crying isn't helping me at all. Last thing I need is to cry myself sick again. And yet I'm pretty sure there's absolutely nothing that could bring me out of this funk at the moment. Vicious cycles.
Back to homework... *end pity party*
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 4/06/2003 09:49:00 PM