
feeling: wee
listening to: TV
I feel better now. In fact, I've felt more 'up' today than I have in weeks. But that doesn't mean this quarter's gonna be any more bearable. :P The other day some people from my Japanese class were talking about how spring quarter is the best because it goes so fast... I had a tremendous urge to give them my best death glare and shout something to the effect of "WHAT THE BLOODY FLIP ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!" Blurg. Spring quarter is the bane of my existence. All my hardest and most evil classes seem to fall in spring quarter, and knowing that summer's the next step just makes it feel that much l o n g e r. Murf... at least it's not 80+ degrees yet.
Heh, today as I was walking to geology lab I heard this voice on a loudspeaker thing and, looking around, discovered that it was coming frm a dump truck on the street behind me. Turns out it was part of a campaign by one of the candidates for undergrad student president. I quote... "Vote for [insert the guy's name here] for USG president. Cause I have a dump truck. This thing is great."
Dumb, but for some reason that made me chuckle. :P
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 4/09/2003 09:14:00 PM