wStuff You Don't Wanna Know But Are Reading Anyway
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wSaturday, May 24, 2003

feeling: like I want to jump off the Empire State right now
listening to: nothing

I have to babysit Gaki and her father this evening. Alone.

See, for some stupid reason, Gakidaddy is not allowed to be alone with his daughter... ever. Some stupid court ruling in place since his divorce from his basket case ex-wife. These days he's actually living with my grandparents, who are Gaki's legal guardians, because he wants to be with her. So he claims. But it's too much trouble to talk to a lawyer and actually earn back the right to spend a few hours at a time alone with his daughter, even if just to go to the movies or something. But no. Instead, every single time my grandparents want to go somewhere by themselves (which is sickeningly often lately, not that I blame them), they call us to babysit Gaki and Gakidaddy because they're not permitted to be together without another adult present. It's sick.

Yeah... and tonight my parents are going to my former high school's graduation, and the grandparents couldn't find ANYone else to sit for the Gaki Duo, so who gets stuck with the job? ME. Why? Because I'd rather stay home and work on the buttload of homework I have to do for next week than attend graduation. (Seriously, I have way too much geology crap to do and I intended to do most of it tonight.) I didn't even have a say in the matter. Dad couldn't tell them 'too bad, we won't be home and Becky's got work to do'... nooo. Heaven forbid.


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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 5/24/2003 04:56:00 PM

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