feeling: tired
listening to: nothing
It's 1:30 a.m., and some girl from my floor whose name I don't know just came charging into my room, threw her cell phone to my floor so hard it broke in two, stood there for several minutes crying and ranting to me about how her boyfriend of a year just blew her off for his ex of 3 months, then left.
I gotta stop leaving my door open.
(By the way, I'm not going to jump the gun and say I've returned to 'regular' blogging... this last week didn't really go as planned and so I'm still around here, which wasn't my intent. And my blog is still pointless, and I'm still a useless husk only able to concentrate on what wasn't said and what needs to come out but can't. Which isn't the optimal condition for someone about to dive headlong into the most evil, stressful, demanding year of one's life. So we'll just see how stuff goes from here.)
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 9/26/2003 01:34:00 AM