
feeling: distant
listening to: TV
It's midnight, I have another hour or so worth of reading to do, and it's pitch black in here because my room's light just burned out. I have no light bulbs and it may be days before I have time to go buy any. Life just loves me.
Not that I'm really a writer, but I don't feel like doing the writing assignment I'm supposed to be doing right now, and not just because I can't see... so here's a survey. Blame Meriko. Actually, no, blame Glass.
1. Your name.
Look around the page, you might be surprised what you can find in here.
2. How old were you when you started writing?
Nine or ten, maybe... maybe.
3. What was your first serious story about?
Cats. ¬_¬ Specifically, a family of cats comprised of two adults and four kittens who lose their home to a fire, lose a member to the flames, lose each other in the confusion, and spend many moons searching for each other. Shut up.
4. What kind of writing are you most interested in (fiction, non-fiction, journalism, poetry, lyrics, novels, scripts)?
The fiction novel, though I desperately wish my brain were programmed to be good at writing lyrics and poetry.
6. Which writers have influenced your writing most?
Heh, probably Meriko and Frank Verderosa.
7. Describe the novel you've always wanted to write, but couldn't.
There are two... one I've blogged about before and don't feel like going through yet again... the other is a fantasy revolving around Reeree, a canid demi-elf princess/high nobility type chick, and her stepsister, Naris, who's a bird-elf unlike her dog-elf sister. It't probably been 2 years since they came to be, and still I just can't put their story together for the life of me.
8. Where do you find inspiration?
Nothing special. Stuff I see around me, weird little things that come up in bizarre conversations, idle daydreaming...
9. What has been the most difficult piece to write so far?
Everything. But probably book 3 of my FF7 series, which I haven't even started yet, but has already given me more pain in the brainstorming stages than anything else I've ever written.
10. What genre do you most enjoy writing for?
Mild romance, some fantasy/otherworldly here and there, and loose fandom, I guess.
11. How do you develop your characters?
They usually result from doodles scribbled in the margins of notes taken in particularly boring classes... I flesh out my favorites over time, pick a time frame they look suited to, give them a history, then work on their actual story.
12. Describe your favourite of all your characters and why do you like him/her/it?
Geez... um... how about a list?
Reeree, because she's the only original character I've come up with that's actually really original. And she's really freaking cute.
She who shall be known as J, because her story is so sad and disturbingly touching I can not believe she was born of my own brain.
Raelin, because I can't find a single thing to dislike about her despite the fact that I didn't really even write her story. I gave her a detailed history, and her story wrote itself over time... and it ended up one of the most realistic, most complete-feeling stories I've mentally penned yet.
Bekki, my stylized artified version of myself, because despite her unoriginality she's so fun to work with I almost can't stand it. I can insert her anywhere and she just... works. Already she lives in 3 or 4 of the not-yet-written novels bouncing around in my head.
13. Describe your favourite "Mary Sue" story that you have written.
...how about not? :P
14. Who is your favourite author?
To be honest, I very rarely read anything that's not 1) an online fanfic or 2) required as a class assignment. So I don't have one.
15. What do you think about movies based on written pieces?
The general trend dictates (heh, I made an oxymoron) that I tend to prefer book versions to movie versions, especially if the book came first. I prefer mad attention to detail and the chance to envision the scenes and characters in my own way, rather than an abbreviated version of the book that leaves very little to my imagination because it takes all the great detail from the book and either sets it in stone or totally ignores it.
16. What matters more to you - the story, the characters or the writing style?
All three are equally important to me. I can't make myself sit through a story with bland characters no matter how flowery the writing is, nor can I enjoy wonderfully designed characters if their story is agonizingly slow/unoriginal/boring, etc etc.
17. What matters more to you - the lyrics, the melody or the overall song?
It depends on the song, I guess. Some of my favorite songs are instrumentals, others I like for the overall sound whether I can understand the lyrics or not, and others I just like because the lyrics amaze me.
18. Have you ever had any of your work published?
Not professionally or whatever. Not my thing.
19. How do you feel about that?
Quite fine, possibly even relieved. I write for myself, and that's how I'd like it to stay.
20. Are you serious about becoming a writer, or is it just a hobby?
If #19 didn't answer this one for you... it's just a hobby. Inspiration and motivation make it a point to hide from me, and therefore I could never hold a successful 'career' in writing, even if I wanted to.
Now to go find a place that actually has a working light so I can finish my homework...
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 10/14/2003 12:04:00 AM