feeling: tired... and fighting to stay awake makes me tireder...
listening to: nothing
Christmas is coming. So why am I not happy? Usually I'm in full throttle CHRISTMAS IS COMING WHOOP WHOOP YAYEEE mode starting around mid-November, but this year... nothing. It's like I lost something since last year, something without which Christmas just isn't Christmas. The only thing I can make myself look forward to this year is being in the Christmas cantata with the church choir. I dunno, I've always liked singing Christmas songs, and the cantata lets me do that in a group so no one can actually hear my voice individually... but this year I haven't been able to go to weekly practices, and I'll only get to go to one or two of them before the program. Which is fine because I still have most of the music memorized anyway, but that just means my favorite part of this Christmas will also be the part that goes by the fastest and it'll be back to "oh look, it's Christmas, how nice, wake me when it's over, or don't" as soon as the program's over. Maybe I'll go caroling this year to make up for missing so much practice... it's been ages since I did that...
Speaking of things going too fast... another week and a half and this quarter is over. Then a few more weeks and this year is over. I swear this has been the longest and the fastest year of my life. Like, I can be sitting here thinking, urg, the clock isn't moving, this moment/hour/day is never gonna end, someone take my life right now... then, next thing I know, it's 4 days later. I guess when nothing ever changes, it does feel like you're reliving the same moment in time over and over again. One very agonizingly long moment. Over and over.
Sorry, was I getting repetitive there? It's hard to tell sometimes. Same moment over and over, and all.
Anyway... yeah, as I said, I like Christmas songs. I've got a massive arsenal of them rattling around in the depths of my memory because I've listened to them as a genre obsessively for so many years. But among all those songs, so far this year only one has gotten itself stuck in my head and will not go away. Guess which one? Hint: Mariah Carey. Hint #2: first word in the title is "all". Still don't get it? Try googling those 3 keywords. Click the first result. Seriously. Cause I refuse to type the title. >_>
Hey, maybe that's why I have no Christmas spirit this year. That would also explain why when my relatives keep asking me what they should get me I can never give them an answer.
Stupid Mariah Carey.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 12/01/2003 03:42:00 PM