feeling: about as tired as is humanly possible
listening to: nothing
Heh. Seems Livejournal does not require people to get codes in order to create accounts anymore. Isn't that nice. Could've told me that BEFORE I went around asking for one.
But anyway. I've made one, so... yeah. Not sure how frequently I'll be updating this blog from here on out. My original plan was to go on using both regularly, but really, how often does that happen? More than likely I'll either forget about the new LJ and just keep dumping everything here, or forget about this blog and move over to the LV completely, or end up posting the exact same content in both places. I suck. But anyway... just thought I'd mention that.
I am so unbelievably tired. Sleeping for 4-5 hours every night for several weeks in a row isn't really healthy. I've never been so close to falling asleep sitting up. Going now.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 4/24/2004 01:01:00 AM