feeling: *shrug*
listening to: BLOOD - Mebious' Loop
Oog. Blogger's gone crazy with the overhaulage again. On the plus side, they finally got some new templates. On the minus side, most of them suck. I believe I'll stick with the one I have.
Oh, and I edited the post about halfway down with the big 200-question survey in it... there was a dire, dire mistake in #130. It said 'math'. >_<
Anyway... it's official. I'm going to Fanime. *runs around in circles* Not only that, I'm going CHEAP. There's no "Gakufest" anymore because they decided to make the concert a regular con event, which means all the performers will still be there, but I don't have to pay for a separate concert ticket. Also, all of the rooms Fanime was allotted for its guest by the 3 hotels surrounding the convention center are booked, which would mean I'd have to pay almost $700 to stay in one of those hotels as a regular visitor (separate from the convention rate). But my momma didn't raise me like dat (sorry, couldn't resist), so I'll be staying in Best Western or some other cheap place like that. It's still within half a mile of the convention, just literally hundreds of dollars cheaper, even if I take a taxi to and from there every day for the whole event. Finally, the round trip flight will cost $274, which is at least $40 less than I expected... not much in the context of a cross-country flight, but still cheap. And best of all, my parents not only agreed, but actually OFFERED to pay for the hotel, registration, and flight as a graduation gift. O_O! So yeah... they'll be spending about $600, which just leaves me with food, cab fare, and spending money. Though they might give me extra for the cab too... not sure...
Of course, all of this doesn't mean I won't come back broke. Between buying loads of J-rock goodies for myself, some souvenirs for Dumplin'-chan who can't go ;_;, and meals, my wallet'll be empty within a day. Guess I should withdraw a bit of cushion from the ol' credit union before I leave...
Wow. I'm outta here in exactly 2 weeks. I still can't belive I'm really going. Nervous? Kinda. I'll be flying with Kristin and Roxanne, and from the stopover in Chicago we fly the rest of the way with Suz-sama too. ^^ And I think someone else is going with Suz... forget who... >_<; Anyway, so the only time I'll really be alone is at night when I go back to my separate hotel for sleep and such... and if I choose to wander around alone at the con itself, which is likely. It's always fun attending events like this with friends, but sometimes interests conflict, y'know? They might want to do one thing I want to do something else, and stuff. I have no problem with checking out some video showings and panels on my own. Only problem with being alone at a con is there's no one to rush me through the dealer's room... so if I end up spending an entire day there, blowing all my savings or just standing there for hours on end gazing upon the incredible h4wtness that is Harry from the Jpophouse booth, I only have myself to blame. :P
And this also means I have 2 weeks to learn all I can about Duel Jewel, another J-rock band that, from what I've seen and heard, is VERY cool. Not as cool as BLOOD, but still worth buying a CD or poster of, surely. Should check out Camino, too... I'd never heard of them before I learned they'd be at Fanime. But I'm NOT going to be completely ignorant about these two bands like I was about BLOOD at Ohayocon. I still wish I'd known enough to sing along with the lyrics, follow all the goofy para para moves, and join in the calling of the band members by name at their concert. And I wish I'd known Takeshi and Taichi better and longer before they disappeared. T_T I still miss them... can't wait to meet Fu-ki and hear his vocal work though.
You know, I wish I had some sort of little gift to give each of the band members. A lot of the girls I'm traveling with are doing that. But I have no idea what to do for any of them... and I don't want to give them the exact same things that they've probably already got hundreds of because the fanbase knows they like them. I have this strange need to be unique. :P So yeah. Sigh. Doubt I can either think of or find anything within 2 weeks...
Ohh, just think how behind I'm gonna be in homework and crap thanks to all this. I honestly don't see much term paper work getting done in between panels, showings, buyings, concerts, and signings. XD
Sorry if I'm rambling. I'm just excited. Yes, this is me when I'm excited. Some people jump up and down and screech and squeal and throw :D:D:D:D:D:D's and O_O's and EEEEEEEEEEEEE's and thousands of !!!!!!!!!!'s into their posts when they're excited. I just ramble. California. Fanime. BLOOD. Duel Jewel. Harry. Buying g00ds. Fandom fandom fandom. Insert miles of !!!!!! here.
And here.
Aaaaannd here.
...ok, I'm finished now. Need to clean the fish tanks. Should've done it 2 days ago, but school + lack of sleep + unbearable heat = Becky can't walk straight or keep her eyes open. It's still 90 degrees in here, but at least I'm running on 7 hours of sleep today.
(edit: the heck? before I published this post Blogger said I had 299 posts here... and after I published it, it says I have 318. Um. >_>;; )
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 5/13/2004 12:55:00 PM