feeling: nauseous
listening to: Dir en Grey answering machine message
My ulcer struck again last night. Or this morning, really, just before 3 a.m... but I hadn't gone to bed yet so it was 'last night' to me. Yeah, this was the worst one yet. One minute I was sitting here typing an email, the next I was doubled over and barely able to breathe from the tightness and pain. So I stumbled downstairs to take Mylanta, which I don't think really does any good, but I had to do SOMEthing... and this woke up my parents, who got up and joined me in the living room while I laid on the couch writhing and mildly hyperventilating and tingling all over from low oxygen supply for a little over an hour. Finally it calmed enough for me to doze off for a couple hours, and then maybe a couple more after something briefly woke me up. I feel better, but that stupid dull nausea is still hanging around.
So I guess this is supposed to be a sign that I need to start sleeping at night again. I'll still do what needs to be done, in terms of translations and emailing and all this stuff on the BLOOD front, but no more staying up till all hours working on things that have no time limit.
I'm also two or three days behind in cleaning the fish tanks. And somehow I don't really feel like doing that today. Erg.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 7/05/2004 11:47:00 AM