feeling: frustrated
listening to: hide - Doubt
Fun with email clients.
Ok... so last night (or at 5 this morning, however you want to look at it), I sent Kiwamu an email with the new corners and an 'announcement' that I would be emailing him from the Yahoo address from now on. Because the osu.edu-to-Yahoo forwarding service is supposedly working now, but I still think it's being choosy about which emails it forwards... mainly because I awoke to find only 6 spam emails in my bulk folder today, whereas when the osu.edu addy was all I had, I never woke up to less than a dozen. Most would see that as a good thing... I see it as a sign that not everything is getting to me that should be. >_>
Anyway... the one email I woke up to this morning that wasn't spam was a reply from Kiwamu saying he couldn't read my email because of a "font problem." *flail* So unless I discover a way to compose emails in MS Gothic in Yahoo, it looks like I won't be emailing him from that address. >_> So that prompted hours of messing with my email accounts and sending myself test emails, at which point I discovered that the reason I wasn't receiving emails in Outlook Express last night was because the POP3 server had magically changed itself. So I fixed that, and boom - 20+ emails poured in. >_<;;; All of them were from that interval in between the school email eating itself and the forwarding service activating itself, meaning about 9 pm Sunday to just after 5 am Monday. The first test email I sent myself right before activating the forwarding thing was in there, plus an LJ comment notification from Sunday night, and the rest was spam. So at least I know I didn't miss anything important... But yeah. My school email is fixed, but it doesn't matter now, because I've already set up that forwarding account, so everything's being rerouted to my Yahoo mail anyway. Well, not everything. I swear some things aren't forwarding. So I may still be missing important emails despite the fact that both addresses are supposed to be working now. I can't win. >o< *wonders if it'd be possible to cancel the forwarding service and go crawling back to it later*
I might have to break down and get myself an email address from Adelphia, our cable provider, and reserve it as a private email... seems like it'd be the most reliable way to exchange Japanese emails with Kiwamu, since Yahoo's a slut and my OSU account expires in a couple months...
Sometimes I hate the internet.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 9/29/2004 03:29:00 PM