feeling: eww
listening to: Miyavi - Onpu no Tegami (Music Note Letter) is stuck in my head
Ignore this. I just want to whine about how goopy I feel.
First off, I'm tired. Been tired all day, and missed my afternoon nap in favor of putting together a bunch of pictures of my planned Ohayocon costumes to show my parents so they can see I'm not going to spend like, hundreds of dollars on each of four costumes. Actually, I did get maybe half an hour of snooze in... and from the moment I woke up from that, I felt... almost sick. But not really. Stomach was all woozy and glorpy and weird... not nauseous, not pain, not cramps... just weird. Nasty taste in the back of my throat too. No idea what any of that is about. Maybe the leftover steak and noodle stuff I had for lunch was a day or two older than I realized. But I put a bunch of junk food on top of it during the dinner hour, and if it didn't get any worse from that, it's probably not going to. So I'm probably fine.
It's still annoying though. And I'm still tired. Have been tired for hours... but not sleepy tired. If I'd tried to go to sleep at any point since, like, 10 pm, I would've ended up lying wide awake with aching eyes and pounding head until the usual 4 or 5 in the morning. Speaking of 10 pm, Hey Hey Hey wasn't on tonight. Again. They need to not make a habit out of that.
Anyway. I'm tired. And cold. And blobby. And feeling all worthless cause I'm not really aware of who and what is around me, and my brain can't keep up with anything, and etc. That always happens when I'm sleep deprived, but not this bad, to my recollection.
Sorry for being all useless. Give me a couple days to wake up and I should be fine.
There. I ranted. Now don't I feel slightly better?
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 12/13/2004 04:05:00 AM