feeling: ...
listening to: Elton John - Candle in the Wind is stuck in my head >_x
Hm. Bored today. Won't last much longer, because the nephew's coming shortly and then we're taking him to our church Christmas dinner. But I got up too early and have long since exhausted myself of the activities I normally fill my time with before the 3:00 pm hour.
Kinda started a new translation venture over at my blog reserved for that sort of thing, but in the time I've spent trying to make sense of it, I have realized just why it's the one Moriyama Naotarou song I know and like that hasn't been translated by anyone else already. Because it's EVIL. I'm two verses in, not even really satisfied with those, and completely lost on what comes next.
I should enjoy the downtime while I have it, as this weekend promises to be rather insane. Saturday I have to get up early to be at church by noon for choir and brass ensemble practice, then we might find time to go to my cousin's post-baby shower to meet her new daughter, then off to Ashville for mom's family's Christmas party. Then Sunday morning the brass ensemble is scheduled to play at church *is not ready =_=*, with a repeat performance in the evening during the Christmas program where the choir is also performing. It's a darn good thing Jess is playing the first trumpet part with me. Gonna need her backup when I miss those notes I haven't landed right yet in practice. Of course, if I were actually practicing at home on my own every now and then it'd be a different story, but who actually does that? >.>
La la... boring afternoon... think I'll do some online shopping...
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 12/16/2004 03:10:00 PM