
feeling: ... listening to: nothing
And I find myself mind-numbingly bored again...
Gotta love some of the dinner table conversations my family has. Well, actually, most of them drive me insane, as more often than not they consist solely of my mother ranting in a very loud voice to my poor father about all the events of her day that he missed while he was at work. Every time we eat at the table I sit there fighting the urge to tell her "WE'RE SITTING RIGHT HERE WOMAN, there's no need to shout!" Seriously, after a few minutes of it, my ears start to throb. How, I ask, did an aggravatingly soft-spoken child such as myself come from a woman with her speech volume permanently set to blasting?? Gah.
But. >> Today, refreshingly, the topic was ice cream. *grin* Aye, at last it is the prime season for ice cream making, and I happen to be blessed with a father who collects old fashioned ice cream makers (sort of) and absolutely loves using them and experimenting with new recipes and perfecting (read: making and making and making some more) old favorites. He made mint chocolate chip over the weekend, one of those old favorites, and also commonly provides us with chocolate and butter pecan, both of which are ten times richer and creamier and more unbelievably MMMMMMM than any store-bought equivalent I've ever found. And today he announced that he plans to attempt a new recipe next, as soon as he decides whether pecans or almonds would work better in Rocky Road. *_* He also glee-ed for a moment over this ice cream recipe book he has and all the different flavors it has that he's dying to try his hand at.
Have I mentioned I love my dad...?
And like I said... I am bored... and hungry... ><
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 6/15/2005 07:11:00 PM