feeling: groggy listening to: Tarzan - Phil Collins - You'll Be In My Heart
Eeesh, what a sucky weekend that was. I don't think I've ever been THAT depressed, especially for no apparent reason (or with no apparent provocation, anyway). If crying is any measure of depression severity, I think I set a record. Three nights in a row spent bawling like a baby, after never shedding a tear for like, 5 whole years... not for lack of trying, but because I just don't cry, or so I thought >>... so yeah, that was all special. Not a fun weekend.
I'm fine now though. Felt better by yesterday, really, but yesterday was annoying for reasons of its own. >> For one thing it was the day before an election day, which meant phones ringing off the hook with "VOTE FOR OUR CANDIDATE" calls, completely eliminating any chance of sleep after about 9:30 in the morning. Then my nephew arrived and wouldn't let me nap away the afternoon, all of which resulted in one very tired and grumpy me.
And it's all stormy and icky outside right now. Was like that all night too. Kept me up until after 6 am. =_= Well, that and the fact that my mind was so full of random weird thoughts that sleep wouldn't have been possible anyway. So I guess I'm back to being your good ol' everyday insomniac. Yay.
Honestly, though, I do feel better. >>
And I thought there was something else I meant to say... but I forget. Oh well, storm's getting nasty again so I should probably submit this before we lose power.
comment! (2)
dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 11/08/2005 03:43:00 PM