feeling: groggy listening to: BLOOD - Obsession
Well... what's been going on...
Went to Nekocon in Virginia the first weekend of November to staff for Suicide Ali in their second US appearance. The result was a huge success, I think. Finished writing my personal reports at least a week ago, but I've spent forever trying to shave them down to one that I can post publicly on LJ. As of now, after so many editing runs I've lost count, it's just over 24 pages... orz
And for some reason, ever since I came back from that excursion, my motivation has been at an all-time low. I don't know why, but it's kind of ticking me off. I still have far too much to do and this constant tired, run-down, sluggishness stuff is not gonna cut it.
I know normally when I go off on a band tour/trip like this, all I want to do for a couple weeks after I get home is work on stuff relating to that band. My own reports, translation work for them, fan translations of lyrics or blogs, etc... so this might, partially at least, be a dragged-out version of that sort of Suicide Ali fangirl haze. Like I said, I finished my con reports last week, and in the week or so before that I finished translating all the SA lyrics I had that weren't done yet and posted them on Taiji Project (the only two I don't have are two that they never released lyrics for, to my knowledge)... so yeah, I kind of ran out of SA stuff to do days ago.
Well, until yesterday. About a year ago I was emailing back and forth with Hiroshi about making an English version of their homepage, but then not long after I got started with it they went through the member change and overhauled their site, so I didn't get far. Then at Nekocon Hiroshi told me that apparently, for some reason he didn't understand either, it would be impossible to build an English version based on the design of their original homepage. But just yesterday I found that the site had been totally revamped so it will finally be possible to make an English version... but it seems they had to sacrifice Goshi's awesome original design to do it. See, Kiwamu made it. Which means it looks exactly like all the other websites he's made in the past couple years. >> Sad that it's lost its originality, but I guess at least more fans around the world will finally have access to Suicide Ali. And I will get to translate the content for it after all, so... yay?
Uh, I think I lost the original point of this post. Not that there really was one, but. Yeah, I should quit while I'm ahead... or... something.
comment! (1)
dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 11/25/2009 06:10:00 PM