wStuff You Don't Wanna Know But Are Reading Anyway
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wWednesday, September 29, 2004

feeling: frustrated
listening to: hide - Doubt

Fun with email clients.

Ok... so last night (or at 5 this morning, however you want to look at it), I sent Kiwamu an email with the new corners and an 'announcement' that I would be emailing him from the Yahoo address from now on. Because the forwarding service is supposedly working now, but I still think it's being choosy about which emails it forwards... mainly because I awoke to find only 6 spam emails in my bulk folder today, whereas when the addy was all I had, I never woke up to less than a dozen. Most would see that as a good thing... I see it as a sign that not everything is getting to me that should be. >_>

Anyway... the one email I woke up to this morning that wasn't spam was a reply from Kiwamu saying he couldn't read my email because of a "font problem." *flail* So unless I discover a way to compose emails in MS Gothic in Yahoo, it looks like I won't be emailing him from that address. >_> So that prompted hours of messing with my email accounts and sending myself test emails, at which point I discovered that the reason I wasn't receiving emails in Outlook Express last night was because the POP3 server had magically changed itself. So I fixed that, and boom - 20+ emails poured in. >_<;;; All of them were from that interval in between the school email eating itself and the forwarding service activating itself, meaning about 9 pm Sunday to just after 5 am Monday. The first test email I sent myself right before activating the forwarding thing was in there, plus an LJ comment notification from Sunday night, and the rest was spam. So at least I know I didn't miss anything important... But yeah. My school email is fixed, but it doesn't matter now, because I've already set up that forwarding account, so everything's being rerouted to my Yahoo mail anyway. Well, not everything. I swear some things aren't forwarding. So I may still be missing important emails despite the fact that both addresses are supposed to be working now. I can't win. >o< *wonders if it'd be possible to cancel the forwarding service and go crawling back to it later*

I might have to break down and get myself an email address from Adelphia, our cable provider, and reserve it as a private email... seems like it'd be the most reliable way to exchange Japanese emails with Kiwamu, since Yahoo's a slut and my OSU account expires in a couple months...

Sometimes I hate the internet.

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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 9/29/2004 03:29:00 PM

wTuesday, September 28, 2004

feeling: concerned
listening to: BLOOD - Sweetest Disease

Well, last night my school email address mysteriously stopped working. I was aware that the school would deactivate it after my graduation, but it was my understanding that it would stay running for one quarter after graduation, which should've meant until the end of the current fall quarter. I KNOW it shouldn't just randomly stop in the middle of the quarter as I fear it has. Well, not middle, but classes have been in session for a couple weeks or something.

Anyway... but then I checked the actual error that Outlook Express was giving me, and the handy site I found on the subject said it was just some kind of server down error or something. I would've thought I should get an account does not exist or invalid authentification or something like that if my account had been terminated... *confused*

So I finally caved and set up my email forwarding account so that all emails sent to will be rerouted to my alternate email, in hopes of preventing missed emails. This was around 5 am, and I just woke up and found a verification email from the service admin along with 5 random bulk emails, one of which was something I KNOW came from my school account, because I signed up to receive their emails there years ago. Plus, I've never received that kind of spam at my Yahoo address before (except from Yahoo itself >>)... so I know the forwarding was working to some extent... but I also can't remember the last time I woke up to find less than 10 spam emails in my inbox. So I can't figure out why I only got 5 today, or why the 2 test emails I sent to my school address between 4 am and about half an hour ago haven't shown up in my Yahoo inbox yet. Maybe it IS just OSU server downtime. But why'd I get those 5 spams if it is?

*checks it again*... nope, no test or any other emails in my Yahoo inbox... this better be OSU mail servers' fault *shakes fist*

Yes. I'm paranoid because, knowing my luck, Kiwamu would decide to email me JUST in the few-hours-long interval when the address he uses is dead. And it wouldn't bounce back to him undelivered, because my 2 test emails haven't done that. Which I guess could be a good sign...

Stupid OSU email making me paranoid.

And now I'm off to continue my morning wake-up routine while I wait for ONE of my email accounts to magically start working again.

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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 9/28/2004 01:56:00 PM

wThursday, September 16, 2004

feeling: a little of everything... mostly like crying...
listening to: nothing

I understand now.

For better or for worse... love is forever.

Some of us just happen to fall on the "for worse" side.

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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 9/16/2004 01:41:00 AM

wMonday, September 13, 2004

feeling: freaked
listening to: nothing

So, like, my computer just blew up. Am on dad's now. Ain't life grand?

(edit: it is now fixed. I'm home again! ^_^)

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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 9/13/2004 01:38:00 AM

wSunday, September 12, 2004

feeling: anticlimactic
listening to: Dir en Grey - Ain't Afraid to Die (Irresistible Mix)

Been a few decades, so I figured I'd post something here.

Past week was pretty uneventful. Watched the nephew, got my hair cut, sent off an order for new BLOOD stuff, discovered the weird and... well, just weird... world of Dir en Grey remixes, broke out in some sort of extraordinarily itchy rash or hives or something, felt more a part of the BLOOD fandom than ever before, and felt just as worthless in every other part of my life as ever before.

And with the pointlessness out of the way...

Our community choir performance was today. It wasn't as bad as previous years, really. The people (ok, person) who made it agitating beyond all reason in past years wasn't there this year, and even though the kaijou* was just as hot as it always is, it didn't feel like it for some reason. Was actually pretty enjoyable.

And of course, the one face I once loved to see, and then never wanted to see anymore, and then wanted nothing more than to see again, was there. At one point just being within eyesight was internal torture. In recent months though... seeing that face makes me happy. Even though I'll never be a part of that life again, even though there's far more emotional distance than physical... I dunno, it just makes me happy. Superficially happy, temporarily happy, whatever... but still happy. It's leaving that tortures me now, because we never seem to say goodbye anymore. Just sort of quietly walk away. I liked it better when we always said goodbye, because in those days every goodbye was an occasion for one more embrace. I'm a huggy person. Shut up.

So yeah, I'm still not sure why it makes me so happy to see that person now, because at one point in time it hurt me more than anything. Maybe I'm finally over the torment they lashed me with years ago? I don't know. It's confusing. The kind of confusion that almost makes that superficial happiness not worth it.

Which is why I once said seeing that face again as a result of joining the choir again this year could be a good thing or a bad thing.

*I threw in that Japanese because 'kaijou' is a heck of a lot easier to type than 'the place where the event/performance was held.' I do that on occasion. Deal with it.

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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 9/12/2004 03:03:00 PM

wSunday, September 05, 2004

feeling: bored
listening to: Miyavi - Ashita, Genki ni Naare

(edited 9/9! didn't realize that smiley had fudged up the first paragraph ><)

I refuse to believe he's saying 'rerigourerigourerigou' in this song. It sounds more like 'baadi-o baadi-o baadi-o'. But either way it's about the catchiest thing I've ever heard. >_> I'm also amused by the live version of his song Shindemo Boogie-Woogie where he goes "Utae boogie-oogie!... agh!" and then the music just stops. Dork. (just for reference, that chorus should go "Utae boogie *cheer*, odore woogie *cheer*, shindemo boogie woogie *cheer*... *continue with a line of fast and hard-to-understand Japanese*")

Yes... I'm a Miyavi fan. I wish I could find more decent pictures of him.

In other news, Kiwamu did reply to me saying he'd sent Fu-ki the birthday fanart I sent him, and that he'd look out for Fu-ki's response, but that was the last I heard on the subject. But then yesterday he updated the fanart section on BLOOD's HP and... I don't think I need to say any more. >_>; So yeah... go there and find my name in Fu-ki's fanart gallery if you wanted to see my little... thing. It sorta stands out. You'll see it. Now I need to figure out what to do with Kaede's and Kiwamu's in October and November...

Oh, and I had another idea for the little cell phone danglies I was gonna make for them, but I'm not sure if it'll work. For one it'd be really hard because I don't have experience in this medium, and for two I don't know if it's possible to mix colors of Fimo clay. >_>; That crud is STIFF. I could buy the colors I lack, but... that's a lot to pay just to use a little bitty chunk of each color, especially considering I suck with Fimo so I might scrap the idea anyway. Foom. I could play around with it, I guess... fall back on the old idea of putting drawn faces on a backing if it doesn't go well...

Speaking of art ventures, the other day I decided I needed a spiral bound sketchbook, and I found a really old cheesy 9x11" 30-sheet one and declared that it would hold me over until I could find a decent one that I like and can use. And I sat down and drew a cheetah cub in it. FINISHED it. I literally can't tell you the last time I started and finished a drawing all in one evening. Haven't done anything else in the book yet though. :P But I'd prefer to not let the front cover of the thing be seen in public, in the event that I actually take it anywhere, so I've decided to 'decorate' said cover with the almighty all-purpose decorating material: duct tape. It's gonna look sweet if I ever actually do it.

And this has been a really, really long day for some reason. I hate that. I kept looking at the clock thinking it should've been the wee hours of the morning when it was barely after 10 pm. Now it's almost 2:30 am and I'm dead bored but not tired at all.

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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 9/05/2004 01:28:00 AM

wFriday, September 03, 2004

That is the LAST TIME I spend a freaking hour typing a freaking blog only to have my FREAKING COMPUTER DESTROY IT.

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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 9/03/2004 09:14:00 PM