wStuff You Don't Wanna Know But Are Reading Anyway |
I dunno how you found this, but alas, here you are. So enjoy the frightening fruits of my troubled little brain.
wMonday, December 31, 2001 |

Either get comfortable, folks, or get lost. This could be a long one.
So this person who used to be my best friend (I'll call her Asai from here on...she'll come up a lot) is begging me to go to her big new year's shendig tonight. If I say no, she goes into please-please-please-I-love-you-you're-my-best-friend-I'll-be-sad-if-you-don't-come-I-need-you-there mode. And if I do go, she won't even know I'm there. Decisions, decisions. Oh, and don't think I haven't researched this. For about a year I went through it dozens of times, before finally saying screw it and giving up. Kay, Asai and about 5 other people and myself, a few years ago, used to do stuff together all the time... movie nights (in-home or at the movies, thought the home ones were better), birthday parties, swimming, all-nighters, school sports events, bowling, shopping, lots of stuff. Well, after a year or so of this, I noticed that they grew further and further on each other and away from me. Me and Asai were the epitome of best friends... we did everything together, we never fought. There was also another, who I'll call Asai2, since they're the same... err.. anyhow, so the 3 of us were inseparable. Our little group also included 4 older guys, all the same age, actually, and all somehow romantically involved with Asai or Asai2 (mostly unrequitedly). Sooo, they all got more and more obsessed with each other, and I was gradually forgotten about. Soon I realized that I could sit through an entire movie night or some other activity with none of the others ever even realizing that I was in the same house. So from then on, whenever they invited me, I turned them down. Used excuses at first, but eventually just said no thanks, don't feel like it. But I did agree on rare occasions, just to shake things up and see what happened. Nothing had changed; no matter how much they begged me to go, they never even noticed I was there when I finally agreed. So I gave up totally, and eventually they stopped inviting me. Meanwhile, one of those 4 guys decided he wanted me, and the 2 of us became best friends, though I didn't return his feelings of admiration. We had an awesome few months there, including my senior prom, to which we went together. Too fun, it was.
Well, then, that summer, came band camp: me, Asai, and Asai2 together for a whole week. The first few days went great - I even thought things were gonna get back to normal with us. But of course, by the last day, all that was gone again, and the 2 of them continued to cling to each other and had no room left for me. To top it off, at the end of that week, my guy told me he was over his feelings for me, but of course, that our friendship wouldn't change. He was lying. Immediately he started getting cold toward me, and after a few weeks of unsuccessfully trying to bring him back, I gave up too. So now I was totally alone. About a month later, I started college, which opened that gap between me and everyone else even wider. Well, my guy bud started trying again, since he goes to the same college and drove me home and back on some weekends. Interestingly though, he blamed me for our growing apart.
Anyway... eventually summer came again. More invitations, more movie nights, more swimming (3 people in that group have pools), more fun together? Nope. None, in fact. It was the first summer of my whole life in which I never once entered a swimming pool. I don't recall even being invited to anything. Well, so much for that. Time to give up entirely and move on with life. College started again, me and my guy very rarely even talked or met up there since he no longer wanted to go home every weekend, and everything between me and the rest of the group was officially over. Actually, I think that had occurred over that eventless summer... whatever.
At any rate, whatever ties I had to those 2 or 3 perfect friendships were totally shredded. First it was Asai and Asai2, who decided all they needed was each other, and I didn't fit into the equation. That alone was a crusher. Asai was the best taste of friendship I'd ever known... I even thought we were soulmates (no, I don't think soulmate has any romantic implication...so there :P) for a while. But what kind of soulmate suddenly no longer has time to stop and say 'Hi' to you in the school halls, but has all the time in the world to stop her new best friend for a full conversation? And yes, that DID happen. Often. And after those two went my guy. Okay, so he did come back... and now gets a kick out of tormenting me for having no life. And blaming ME for my being dumped from the group. Ok, it was my fault no one knew I was there? It was my fault he himself spent much time being cold toward me, then blaming ME for ignoring HIM? He still blames me for that. I find it funny.
Know what else is funny to me? The temporary guilt. Like Christmas, just the past week or so. I got little gifts for Asai and Asai2, not knowing or caring whether they'd do the same for me (see my blog below about Christmas giving). Asai2 tells me, the second I hand her her gift, that she's run out of money and hence has nothing for me yet. Then Asai gets her gift, and immediately says she hasn't been shopping yet. She was lying. She, Asai2, and my guy had been talking all that morning about their shopping trip together, I think just the previous day, when they'd all bought clothes for each other. And they were wearing those new clothes that morning. I didn't say anything to her though... I don't like conflict. Well, one week later each of them did have a cheap little gift to give me. Those oh-crap-she-got-me-something-I'd-have-to-be-evil-not-to-get-her-something-too-better-go-find-something-cheap-quick things. They probably thought I couldn't tell. Come on... a penny bank, a keychain, and a little Christmas-tree-shaped case with makeup in it? I never even wear makeup.
And now, Asai has been begging me to go to her little party tonight. She wouldn't have even thought to invite me if my guy hadn't forced her to ask me. He does try to include me - yeah, NOW - but he doesn't seem to realize it's too late. He might want me there, just so he can pick on me for having no life, but the rest of them could care less. I gave up on all of them. They left me with nothing, why should I go back to them? They were the only friends I had, and when I lost them, I lost everything. I don't make new friends easily either... in fact, I seem to repel people. Sometimes I wonder if I'm Anthy Himemiya reincarnated. Anyway, so no, I didn't make any new friends at college either. I was left with no one and nothing. And I would have given up altogether - not just on friendship - if not for that cousin I'm always mentioning in here. That's why she means so much to me. Had she not come along when she did, I'd still have nothing to this day, and I might've taken actions to end my loneliness. Irreversible actions. I wonder if she knows that...?
Well... she does now, I'm sure. :D *glomps Dumplin'-chan* I lurve yoooo!!
Anyhow... it still hurts now and then. Especially with Asai. Every time I see her now, being her hyper, youthful, flirty self with all her male worshippers and even with Asai2 (no, they're not :P), it reminds me of what we had. She used to be that way with me. She was the only person I knew who I could really open up around, who I could be genuinely goofy with. Yes, she flirted with me too, by the way. She does with everyone. And yes, I returned it. But NO, neither of us were serious about it. *shudder* It just hurts when I see her acting like that around her friends now, knowing I had a friend like that once, but lost her for good. I'll never find that kind of relationship again... it's a once in a lifetime kind of thing, I think. Most people's just seem to last much longer than mine did, though... some never lose it. I did, after just 2 years. I'll never have happiness like that again, and that's why it hurts. But, as I said, I have Dumpling-chan now, and I know she's genuine. She wouldn't even think of doing to me what they all did, and I don't think she'd ever intentionally hurt me. I also know that after she reads this she won't try to flirt with me and stuff just to try to recover that once-in-a-lifetime thing that I lost, cause she's not like that. She's genuine, nothing phony about her. She knows she doesn't have to put up a front for my sake, and that I like her just the way she is. The fun we have and the stuff we share can't be duplicated or broken (I hope). It must be a cousins thing. :P
Look at me... I hate when I get corny and weird. But it had to be said. XD I've learned that it's not good to keep the important stuff locked up inside and never share it with the people it involves, because you never know when they (or you) won't be there anymore. Something life teaches everyone at some point, some sooner than others. I always hoped that I could have a few days' warning before my death just so I'd have time to write letters to everyone I never got to say certain stuff to. There's a lot I'd like to say to Asai and Asai2 that way, for instance. :P It probably won't work out that way, but... oh well. I doubt they'd like what they'd be reading anyway.
Whew, that's over. Y'all can take a potty break now. I'm off to get ready for my New Years' rendezvous *cackle* with a good buddy of mine. Guess who? Sorry, Asai and my guy... I have plans.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 12/31/2001 04:52:00 PM
wFriday, December 28, 2001 |

As it turns out, I did forget some stuff from that list I posted last night. ^^; They are: a throw blanket decorated with cats (I'm a cat person), and a classic Peanuts lunchbox, the little metal kind. Comes filled with lollipops. ^-^ I thiiiink that's all now.
Today's my cousin's birthday. No, not that cousin. :P Our other cousin... I shall refer to her as The Gaki, because she's the most evil, irritating, agitating, aggravating, spoiled, rude, stuck-up child on the face of the earth. She turns 13 today, but her mental age must be about 8 or so. She's obviously spoiled rotten by our grandparents, who're raising her now... but God forbid any of us tell Grandma that. Ok, the story in short: Gaki (Japanese for, among other things, 'brat') is the daughter of my uncle, who lives near the aforementioned grandparents, and my ex-aunt, who took Gaki to Arizona with her after their divorce... Gaki was about 3, I think. Then, when she was 10, Gaki was permitted to fly here to spend the summer with our grandparents. She was skinny as a rail, dirty, unhealthy, and had packed few clothes. So Grandma refused to let her go back to her mother. Mother didn't fight this decision until well after a year later, and quickly gave up. Anyhow, after just a year with the grandparents, Gaki had put on lots of weight and was better off overall, but had reached the point of spoiled rotten. She lived to get my cousin (the cool one ~_^) in trouble for a while, till she apart those two families. Grandma's excuse for her babying of Gaki? She had it so hard in Arizona, she needs to be treated better here. Yeah, okay. But this goes beyond that. The kid is SPOILED ROTTEN. She throws a hissy when she doesn't get her way, she thinks anything she finds in anyone's house is hers for the taking if she wants it (I'm not kidding... she expects a gift every time she comes here, and if we don't give her one, she'll pick one from amongst our belongings), she thinks our entire extended family lives to coddle her, and most annoyingly, she thinks she's MATURE. She thinks everyone likes her, she thinks there's not a thing wrong with her. Apparently Grandma does too... she refuses to get her help, she refuses to have her put in special classes at school even though she's failing miserably, and she totally chews out anyone who tries to tell her the kid is babied. It's too late. They didn't teach her manners when she moved here, and now she's 13... it's too late. She's too far gone. She is gonna get her butt torn apart when she gets to high school. And I won't feel sorry for her. You may think I'm being cruel, but... um, no. The kid is a torment. There is NOTHING good about her personality. She doesn't even MEAN well. She means to get others in trouble, or turn people against everyone but herself. There is NO exaggeration in this description. Still think I'm being cruel? Send me your address, and I'll send you your very own personal Gaki. See what YOU can do with it.
Ok, some examples. At her home, she's accustomed to watching some particular TV show for an hour every evening. MASH, I think. And she watches it while laying on the couch. So she had to spend a day here once, and claimed the TV for her usual hour, but when the 3 or 4 other people in the house wouldn't give her the whole couch to veg on, she threw a fit. When my dad got the remote and checked other channels, even just during commercials, she'd throw an even bigger fit. And of course, she'd whine to her daddy and grandparents about it. Some more: at our Christmas Eve party, which my brother, sis-in-law, and their 2-week-old son (my 1st nephy! XD) attended, Gaki insisted on holding him THREE TIMES. There were dozens of others there who'd looked forward to meeting and holding him, but they had to wait in line behind her. And since Gaki's careless and immature, my sis-in-law told her she had to use a certain amount of this antiseptic handwash stuff and be sitting down to hold him. So when anyone else who was lucky enough to hold him didn't use that exact same amount of handwash, or if they were standing, Gaki went berserk and tried to physically force them to do so. She thought she was the kid's new mother or something, I kid you not. And when my sis-in-law told her her reasons for making Gaki do that stuff and no one else, naturally, Gaki got all defiant and snotty about it. But still got her way with my nephew all evening. I never even got to hold him ONCE.
Oh, this is the fun one. Gaki and our grandparents once came here for a good part of a day, just a few months ago. And another thing she's spoiled on: my dad likes to cook, and occasionally lets Gaki help out in the kitchen when he makes desserts and stuff. So now every time Gaki comes here she thinks the world will come to an end if she doesn't get to cook something. Anyhow, this was one of those occasions, sort of. Dad was making dinner for everybody, something a kid like Gaki can't handle (he'd help her make cookies, but not much beyond that. this was DINNER, for everyone.) Well, Gaki sees him cooking some pasta dish, and thinks it's her place to take over. Follows my dad all around trying to grab utensils out of his hands and tell him what to do and such. Finally he's had enough, grabs Gaki by the arm, grabs a pan of water intended for the pasta, and leads her to the back door to take her outside and dump it over her head. You can imagine my cheering. :P But, Gaki throws a big enough tantrum to get grandma to stop him. He says something about her being babied, grandma goes TOTALLY nuts, and gets mad at my whole family indefinitely. Gaki gets her way again.
Oh, and before you attack my dad for the water thing... my father is EXCELLENT with children. He raised me and my brother as honor roll students all through school, hard workers, and with mega-strong morals. I think my bro lost some of that to his ex-wife, but... anyway, an example. A while ago there was a 3-year-old girl at our church who was a total live wire. Nobody could shut her up or sit her still, especially her parents. But my dad could get her to sit silently and happily throughout a whole church service (on many occasions) while being disciplinary, but still kind. In fact, that girl often begged her parents to let her go home with my dad after church. They let her once or twice. ;P That's just one example. My dad can get my nephew to go to sleep easily, no matter how much he's fussing. I've never seen anyone as great with kids as my dad. He knows what they need, what they don't need, when to give them what they want but don't need, and he knows how to discipline fairly. The way Gaki was tormenting him that day, she'd have been lucky to get just some water over the head if it'd been anyone but my dad. I have no pity for her in any way, shape, or form.
Ah, it feels good to rant.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 12/28/2001 04:52:00 PM
wThursday, December 27, 2001 |

Okaaaay, might as well do this... it's a post-Christmas blog! Aren't you dying to know what my holiday was like??
...Yeah. Well, I'm posting it anyway.
Ok, here's everything I got (to the best of my memory), not in a list cause that'd take too much space: lots of art supplies/stuff; a little blue-and-pink stuffed elephant named Touga *cackle*; a Tweety nightshirt (I'm not even a Tweety person...); a sweet framed cross-stitch of white tiger eyes; Snoopy sweatshirt; denim shirt and vest; stapler and umbrella for school; Atari classics collection for Playstation; Final Fantasy Chronicles; an awesome tiger lamp, courtesy Serengeti catalog; little handblown glass tree ornaments of a tiger and a lion, also Serengeti; a Peanuts/Charles Schulz collection book thing; some Gunsmith Cats and Ah! My Goddess mangas; the Ah! My Goddess movie on DVD; 5-button optical mouse (oh yeah!); 6 Tenchi Muyo chibi figurines; Xena soundtrack vol. 6 (hey, Xena rocks ~_^ and it has some amazing music); 50 CD-R's; collectible Hallmark Snoopy tree ornaments; and possibly the most unusual, a Siamese fighting fish from my brother and sis-in-law. Oh, and a grand total of 200 bucks. *breakdances*
Guess I made out pretty darn well for someone who no longer believes in Santa, ne? :P I hope I didn't leave anything out... Anywho, I wil now explicate on some of those. Well, sort of. My favorites, my least favorites, etc. Kay, the art supplies came from two parties: a bunch of less formal/advanced stuff from my dear, sweet cousin, such as Schimmel folders (I carry my art around in standard folders... aren't I cool?), a CUUUUTE fuzzy tiger pen, color-changing gel pens, little notepads, etc. The rest, the more expensive stuff, came from my parents: 36 Prismacolor pencils (those things sell for over a buck a pencil, BEFORE taxes), special erasers and such, and a carrying case. Oh, and Touga also came from that cousin I mentioned. XD I think I've mentioned her in every blog here, haven't I...? Anywho, what else... uh, the framed cross-stitch was handmade by my grandma, and I loooove tigers, especially white'ns. I also love Snoopy, hence the Schulz book. I've wanted a 5-button optical mouse for months, but couldn't find one for less than $60... well, except once, but... I wasn't prepared, I guess. ^^; The Ah! My Goddess movie is very cool, and so are the mangas, even though they're a bit more family-oriented than I'd expected. The Atari collection is something I've wanted for years, and though some of the games I wanted aren't on this edition, I still am having fun with it. Warlords rocks, baby. FF Chronicles... uh huh, I'm a big Final Fantasy fan too, sort of. Haven't played FF4 yet (of Chronicles), but I'm a few hours into Chrono Trigger, and it's very cool so far. Uh, Mom gets me the collectible Hallmark Snoopy things every year, usually in twos, and this year was no exception. And, the fish. Ah yes, the fish. ^^ I've wanted a Siamese fighting fish for lots of years. My brother and his wife have I believe 3 of them, each in its own big vase with little gem-ish stones at the bottom and a live plant (except one that has no plant... it didn't like it), and they apparently notice how often I stand around admiring them when we visit there. Very attractive setup, seems to be designed so the stones and plant complement the fish's color. Anyhow, they fixed up one of those up for me... no live plant yet, cause they're out of season, but it's still pretty. The fish is small and ruby red with a tinge of bluish-purple in the right light, and the stones are a gorgeous blue. He's a great little fish. He doesn't get scared when you tap his vase, even when he's right there by your finger, and whenever someone walks by him, he swims over and watches them until they leave. Either he's got an attitude, or he's unusually affable. ^_^ I plan to take him back to school with me, since fish are the only animals allowed in the dorms.
Well, I think that's enough Christmas-ness. I shall move on to something else. Aren't you thrilled? Sooo... I had another one of those pesky flashes of bizarre inspiration a few hours ago. What would the male heroes of Final Fantasy 7-9 look like... as women? Scared? Told you it was bizarre. Don't ask where I get my ideas. Yeah, so I immediately went and drew Cloud Strife, hero of FF7, in the form of a woman. Partially. Can't settle on some of the outfit components. Differences? Not many yet. Hair's only slightly less wild, and is in a short, low braid... body is less beefy (to avoid butch-ness)... the trademark SOLDIER belt is redesigned and, I think, more feminine... the shirt, instead of tucking into the belt/pants, reveals the abs... and I can't decide how to do the pants. Parachute-y, as the original Cloud's, or skin-tight? Or neither? Anyway, the single huge shoulder-plate thing is there, but I don't want to draw the suspenders/leather padding straps that go with it. They don't work with her. Can't decide how much of Cloud's original armor to give her, either. Oh well. If I finish her, I'll move on and do a female Barret, Cid (FF7's), Squall, Zidane, and possibly Irvine, Laguna, and Zell. Probably not Steiner, cause whenever I try to imagine him as a woman, all I can think of is Beatrix. o_O She is just awesome.
Whew... long blog. I got into it there, didn't I? And I better get my butt off here and take a shower now. I stink. I'm sure you wanted to know that.
OH! Wait! Tonight's 'Whose Line is it Anyway' (my favorite non-anime show) gems! XD (tonight's were reruns, but still)
Colin singing: You seem real easy and willing to put out, so roll in the cream cheese, roll in the cream cheese...
Colin: Mozzarellalalalalala!
Ryan: What he didn't was... know was... or was know... was that I was dyslexic. Drew's response at end of game:That's each a thousand you points for!
Ryan: *plants one on Colin* (how cute is THAT?? XD)
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 12/27/2001 10:01:00 PM
wSunday, December 23, 2001 |

Glory Hallelujah, the template actually changed!! It took about half a dozen tries, and yes, I DID republish each time. *slaps blogger* Well, I like this one. At last. Cool.
Just found out my best friend/cousin's other best friend's mom died early this morning. So as you set out to spend Christmas with your family in the next couple days, pray for Megan Crisp if you believe in that sorta thing. Megan's only 15, if I remember right, and doesn't have much other family left at all... too young to be so alone, and so close to Christmas... poor kid, I don't think she'll ever be her old insanely crazy self again...
Well, steering away from stuff that will depress me further... er, ooops, omit that 'further'... anyhow, uh...
Never mind. Guess I don't have anything big to blog about after all.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 12/23/2001 11:14:00 PM
w |

Okaaaay... I TRIED to change the template, but it doesn't seem to have done anything. Frick, I hate Blogger's idea of HTML coding. And the fact that it takes forever to publish new stuff. *kills* Anyway, main reason I decided to change my template now was because when I went to edit some HTML in it, there was absolutely nothing in the source code window. Nada. This concerned me. No code means no page, after all. Also, there's that pesky "font size=5" crap showing up in the title. Grrr. So I figured, hey, maybe if I give it a makeover it'll come back home and be a good little bloggie again.
Umm... not much to mention here... er, I got a hundred bucks from my rich great-uncle today. *smooches him* This guy's very very likely a millionaire, but he's old and living alone and doesn't have much use for it, so he gives it to me and my cousins every Christmas in the form of big bills. His sister's believed to be a millionaire too, but for the same reasons, she doesn't have much use for the money and gives it away... or tries to, at least. She offered to pay my brother's way through college, and my cousin's, and my own if I remember right, and maybe even more cousins I don't know about... but no one in my family can bring themselves to accept the offer. Sweet ol' folks, them two. We only visit them once or twice a year, even though they live right in town, and next door to each other even... shame on us... anyway, we saw 'em today for Christmas, naturally. They always have stories to tell and candy to munch. Gotta love 'em. Too bad they despise each other.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 12/23/2001 01:12:00 AM
wFriday, December 21, 2001 |

I did not sleep last night. Not for one minute. And I only dozed for about half an hour in the next 12 hours after that"night" ended. Why in the name of all things holy would I do this to myself? Only for Utena, my dear readers. Only for Utena.
And if a certain cousin of mine who shared in this glorious anime event reads this, she can tell you that I'm veerrrrry strange when I'm dead tired. Like, now, for instance. I NEVER act this goofy, even online, unless *points at cousin* she's the only other human being around. But ah, was that night ever worth it. Fifteen hours of Utena, split by a one-hour Whose Line break... my kind of night. And you even get some juice whe you're finished. *gives cousin a look and dies laughing* Touga! Touga! TOUGA! TOUGA!! Um, anyway... I would go into a big long blog about the whole of the Utena series (because, in case you didn't figure it out, me and my cousin pulled an all-nighter to watch all 39 Utena episodes last night, and had a bloody ball), loaded with my own pathetic theories/spoilers as to what the heck just happened, but... I won't. I doubt anyone who reads this cares. If you do... well... dunno what to tell ya. :P Email me at cottrill.27@osu.edu I guess, and I might respond with a spoiler-blog. Not that I think it'd be of any help to any other thoroughly confused fans, but... hey, it's Utena. Anyway.
Christmas is only 4 days away. How scary is that? You know what cheeses me off about Christmas? People make big fat freaking deals about the horrors of holiday shopping, and whine about how it totally ruins the whole season. What is wrong with these people? Giving to others isn't supposed to be a monstrous hassle. It's supposed to be a show of generosity and how you care for those you shop for. Am I not right? Come on, if your heart's not in it, then don't freaking DO it. If you can't give to people you love with an open heart and be satisfied when said people receive your gifts with great joy and gratitude, then why even give them anything at all? If shopping isn't worth it in the end when the recipient opens their gift and is totally overjoyed, then why bother? Stupid commercialism. What's happened to this holiday? Everyone needs to just lighten up. If you're gonna give, give from yourself, not from your wallet. Or your checking account, or your credit card company. From YOU. And give to the ones you care about, not to their expectations, not to their families, not to the stores grubbing for your cash. And quit the bloody whining. -_-
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 12/21/2001 10:25:00 PM
wMonday, December 17, 2001 |

Well, I have a blog now. Yay for me. Uh, so... intro post... yeah, uh, I'm gonna be using this for a journalish thingy, so if you're into following my thoughts and personal life, you're in the right place. Those of you who know anything about the Japanese language, Utena, or anime in general, may recognize my website address; for those who have no clue what I'm talking about, look up at the URL to this page. See where it says baranoblog.blogspot.com there? 'Bara no blog', in (partial) Japanese, translates roughly to The Rose Blog. I'm sure you Utena people are rolling your eyes and chortling now that I've clarified that. Yes, I am a huge fan of Utena, and of anime in general, though sadly I don't own a heck of a lot at the moment. But I am fortunate enough to own the full series and the movie of Utena, and I am obsessed. There's your advance warning.
A little more intro junk: I know next to nothing about HTML, so the template you see here probably will not change much. I'd like to make a few alterations, but... hey, give me time. Uh, about me: I'm 19 and a sophomore at Ohio State University with no major. Feel free to snigger. I live in Ohio, have no friends other than a certain family member who knows who she is *waves at Dumpling-chan*, and have neither a life nor any ambition. So any posts I make here will likely be complaints about how miserable I am for putting myself in this pathetic state of life. However, if something new and big should by chance happen in my life - believe me, that's not often - I'll blog about it. Basically, if I need to get anything off my chest, this is where it'll go.
So there you have it. If you're like me and have no life and for whatever reason want to keep up-to-date with this thing, check back every 2 or 3 days... I may end up posting daily, but... we'll see. I don't really have any more to say at the moment, except that Audiogalaxy and Adelphia are the newest additions to my must-seek-maim-and-destroy list. Audiogalaxy's servers are constantly overloaded lately, and Adelphia is my net service provider (cable) which is down all but about an hour out of every day. It needs to die a horrible and gruesome death. That said, I'm gonna leave now. More to come whenever.
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dragged from Becky's stream of consciousness at 12/17/2001 10:19:00 PM